Title: This is a Metaphor Author: morbidmusePrompt: Brian and Michael, either friendship or romantic. Include Emmett. No bashing Justin or killing Ben
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First thing's first: Any and all references to Blake here were totally for the win.
Your years have been spent wasting nights with Brian, usually at Babylon. The night you were at Babylon without Brian you almost died and you can’t remember it and there’s probably a deeper meaning behind something here, but you failed the one college lit course you took and you always sucked at picking up on metaphors. That's an INCREDIBLE paragraph, and so unbelievably true.
And, WOW, I have so many thoughts about the whole Brian-thinking-of-Justin-first thing (which, I'll spare you for now) but I love how you picked up on that theme and ended up writing this.
He still thought of you and he’s still sitting next you at the diner, talking about things he doesn’t want to think about and he’s doing it for you. GUH. Love this. You did an excellent job.
*beams* Thank you so much for all the positive feedback. You know, this is the first QaF fic I've written so seeing that at least some of it rang true for you is really nice. And, darling, promise that you won't spare me of your thoughts about Brian thinking of Justin first forever. Because now I'm genuinely curious.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE Michael watching Brian pack for college. SO much. And I love that Michael KNOWS Brian asked for Justin first, and doesn't care. I also know that Brian doesn't hesitate to tell Michael what he needs to know. This is great. Emmett is great. You are great.
I'm so glad you like it! Thanks for taking the time to write what worked for you. Michael's acceptance of Brian asking for Justin first was for some crazy reason the first thing I thought of when I read your prompt. Even though you wrote nothing about the bombing or Justin. I'm mind is an odd place. *grin* I'm just so glad that you liked it.
Comments 10
Your years have been spent wasting nights with Brian, usually at Babylon. The night you were at Babylon without Brian you almost died and you can’t remember it and there’s probably a deeper meaning behind something here, but you failed the one college lit course you took and you always sucked at picking up on metaphors.
That's an INCREDIBLE paragraph, and so unbelievably true.
And, WOW, I have so many thoughts about the whole Brian-thinking-of-Justin-first thing (which, I'll spare you for now) but I love how you picked up on that theme and ended up writing this.
He still thought of you and he’s still sitting next you at the diner, talking about things he doesn’t want to think about and he’s doing it for you.
GUH. Love this. You did an excellent job.
*beams* Thank you so much for all the positive feedback. You know, this is the first QaF fic I've written so seeing that at least some of it rang true for you is really nice. And, darling, promise that you won't spare me of your thoughts about Brian thinking of Justin first forever. Because now I'm genuinely curious.
Thanks for reading and commenting!
So, CLEARLY you should write more. :D
Oh, and I'll definitely let you know next time (which will be really soon, I swear) I reply to QaF Talk. :D
That entire section about the metaphors and also about the college thing? Awesome beyond words. Love it. Thank you for participating, and you rock.:D
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