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Dec 15, 2012 04:51

[Character Name] Devil Survivor MC (Kiyoshi Yamada)
[Canon] Devil Survivor
[Point Taken from Canon] Day 7, during the fight with Jezebel (Naoya Route)
Edit as of 3/15/10: Post-game (Naoya route)

[Age] 17
[Gender] Male
[Sexual Orientation] Probably heterosexual-leaning-slight-bisexual. (Because I don't think 'derp' counts as an orientation. :| )

[Eye Color] Blue
[Hair Color] Blue
[Height] ... Oh god I don't know, I'm horrible at guessing height. Average... height?
[Clothing] Have a picture.

Edit as of 3/15/10: Fanart with cloak.

And another.

Once upon a time there were two brothers named Cain and Abel.

Many people know that story. What they don't know is what came after.

Abel's soul split into fragments, scattering throughout humanity. Cain, on the other hand, remained as a single soul - cursed to remember that life and all of the other lives he would go through.

Fast forward about... six thousand years.

Modern day Japan. A boy and his friends off to visit said boy's cousin - a cousin who had been pretty much raised with him like a brother. Simple enough, right? Unfortunately not so much.

You see, this boy's cousin (Naoya) was Cain - the reincarnation of him, but all the memories had stuck with him, so yes, he was Cain. Kiyoshi, on the other hand, was a reincarnation of Abel, and did not remember anything from his past lives. Naoya had been helping a cult develop a demon summoning program - and it worked.

Cue the War of Bel, a race between extremely strong demonic powers to kill the others and gain the right to be called King of Bel - king of the demons. Heaven didn't stand for this, and angels pushed human leaders to immediately make a lockdown of the Yamanote circle in Tokyo.

Kiyoshi and his friends were trapped in there, along with a huge number of other people. The Shomonkai handed out the altered COMPs - Communication Players - that Naoya had designed. Kiyoshi, Atsuro, and Yuzu received COMPs, too, though from Naoya, not from the cult he had worked for.

(And they knew they didn't have long to get out of the Lockdown - the leader of a registered COMP group could see "Death Clocks" - a countdown to the day the person that it appeared near would most likely die.)

The three teens (and their growing group of friends) fought the demons that emerged from their COMPs and contracted with them, using them to fight and defeat the demons that threatened other people. On the third day of the Lockdown, they fought against Beldr, using a mistletoe phone charm to defeat him.

(He was a demon - though he wasn't always one, he was now - so who said he had to abide by "normal human logic"?)

This was a turning point, since Kiyoshi had now (unknowingly) entered himself as a candidate in the War.

Cue several more days, and some failing to save people. Keisuke (Atsuro's friend from when they were in school together) went on a rampage to try to judge people with Yama. That ended well enough, though the whole ordeal with Mari (Atsuro's former tutor) didn't - she ended up 'not being heard from again'.


The man (Gin) who looked after the lead singer (Haru) in Yuzu's favorite band?


The body count mounted, and Naoya finally appeared again to 'test' Kiyoshi. He summoned some demons and asked him questions about God and fairness. Kiyoshi was frustrated, and told his cousin that no, he didn't think God was fair - why were they trapped in here if that was the case?

Satisfied, Naoya retreated back to wherever he had been hiding during the previous days and waited for things to unfold further. Which they did, with Kiyoshi killing a few more Bel candidates and taking their power into himself.

By the night of the sixth day, Kiyoshi knew he had to make a decision as to what to do. The next day would be the day that the Death Clocks would run out, and he wasn't going to just sit there and take it.

He chose to become King of Bel. Yuzu, Midori (a young girl they had picked up who was... obsessed with sentai shows), and Keisuke left the group, and Naoya and Kaido (the leader of a street gang) joined up with them, and also Black Frost (a... giant Black Frost that Midori had befriended). The final day was going to be a busy one.

The first thing to do? Capture the daughter of the Shomonkai's leader, who had both an angel and a demon in her - and the demon was a Bel. The fight to capture her went smoothly enough - using a COMP to enter her mind didn't.

Somarium =/= Amane's mind, Naoya.

Edit as of 3/15/10:

When the group entered Amane's mind, they found a being known as Jezebel. She was a Bel demon, but not as powerful as the others. Still, they had to be careful to heal Amane, because hurting Jezebel hurt her, too.

After beating the shit out of the giant flower-looking demon, the group moved on to climb the tower in Roppongi Hills. Enter another boss. Belzeboul.

After taunting the giant fly and surviving several rounds of flies being spawned from inside of them, the group managed to take down Belzeboul.

There wasn't much left to go, and once inside the tower, they discovered the founder of the Shomonkai, and the father of Amane. Unfortunately, said founder revealed himself to be pretty much batshit insane by most standards of thinking, and he sacrificed himself to give rise to the group's next enemy, and the last of the contenders for the throne of Bel - Belberith.

For being the last contender in the war, and for being fed by power from the Shomonkai, and for looking vaguely Lovecraft-inspired, Belberith went down relatively easily.

The only thing that was left was for Kiyoshi to prove himself to Babel. With the power of the Bels, he summoned the ancient tower, which demanded that he prove himself by defeating it.

Cue phase one of final boss battle! At first, he just had to get over to the giant floating head that was representing Babel and beat it up, which he did quite quickly.

... Then the really annoying part started. He had to face off against images of Beldr (who could still only be damaged by Kiyoshi), Belial, Jezebel, Belzeboul, and Belberith.

After beating up all of those, Babel showed his true form - a giant freaking tower-thing that cracked open, showing what seemed to be a dark abyss.

Finally, after beating up Babel again, Kiyoshi was recognized as the King of Bel.

And so the war against God begins.



No, seriously, though.

Kiyoshi is a generally easygoing guy. He likes listening to music, video games, teasing his cousin, and reading. He seems to make friends easily enough, though how many of those he personally considers friends he'd trust with his life is... debatable. It doesn't really matter that much, though. He'll do a good deal to help out other people anyway, even when he doesn't expect to be paid back for it. If someone hurts him emotionally, he might sulk over it a bit, but only something really severe can make him hold a grudge.

He tends to be a little bit of a loner, though. Often, he needs other people to pull him out of his polite shell and get him to actually express what he's feeling. He doesn't like to trouble other people with his problems if he can help it, and so quietly worries about things when they're stressing him. Other people come first, after all. If asked, he'd say that he likes to listen to other people's stories more than tell his own. You can't understand anything if you don't shut up and listen sometimes, after all.

However, since the Lockdown, he's had to engage Leader Mode more often than he'd like. He's seen people die right in front of him, often violently and sometimes not even at the hands of demons - he's seen more than one person shot by a corrupt police officer or SDF member. This has... worn on him, and made it hard for him to be quite the same sort of quiet person he used to be. If he sees someone in trouble, he'll try to help them - and won't always think through his strategy until he gets there.

That said, he's not dumb, and can generally think on his feet well enough to finish or get out of a fight with... a minimum of injury.

Edit as of 3/15/10:

Kiyoshi is still the kind, sweet boy he used to be - but it's hidden behind a mask in his world now, much of the time. By accepting his position as King of Bel and declaring war on God, he has turned away from humanity. It's debatable if he's still human anymore, though he'd like to believe he is, somewhere.

Still, to much of humankind, the boy who commands the terrifying horde of demons is a cold ruler who doesn't care about them. The only real battlefield available for the war is Earth itself, though Kiyoshi tries to steer the fighting away from human settlements.

He does care about humanity, deeply. He just thinks that the threat to their free will from God is too serious to go unanswered.

To his troops, Kiyoshi is a strong ruler, though inexperienced. His declarations are carefully worded (with help from Naoya and, occasionally, Loki) so that he shows as little weakness as possible.

That's not to say he isn't scared off what will happen to him. In fact, he's terrified. He just knows that he's not allowed to show it, lest someone - be they angel, demon, or human - take advantage of that fear.


Kiyoshi's physical strength is... not something to sneeze at, though it's not great. His magic skill is a lot better, and he can take a pretty good number of hits before falling down. He's also fast - better than his physical strength, but still not amazing. In terms of mental skills, he's kind of still an oblivious teenager.

(Nii-san points out a lot of things to this one, I suppose.)

For the sake of Somarium, he has these skills set:

Active Skills:
Maragidyne: High Fire damage - all (or, more specifically, up to three enemies/demons/targets/etc.)
Holy Dance: Holy damage - random
Drain: Drain HP & MP - 1 foe

Passive Skills:
Hero Aid: Crit rate up 25% (basically he hits harder more often)
Mana Aid: Battle end - 10% MP up (basically he can cast more spells)
Endure: Withstand death once (in effect, once per battle, he can take a blow that would kill him and still be left alive - though only with one hit point)

Auto Skill:

Blitzkrieg: Start - Attack/Magic up 25% (yep, more attack/magic power)

Edit as of 3/15/10: In terms of abilities, there's a bit that's changed.

If Kiyoshi gives a direct command to a demon from his world, it must be obeyed. Obviously that falls under godmodding, so he won't be able to access it. (The only demon from his world here is Loki, anyway, and Naoya would smack him if Kiyoshi tried to control Loki without his permission.)

He also doesn't need a COMP to cast spells anymore, though for gameplay purposes I'm going to say that he still can't have more skills equipped than he used to.

By gaining the powers of the other Bels, Kiyoshi presumably could draw on their special abilities (Beldr could suck energy, Belial had fire that hurt a hell of a lot, Jezebel's ability to make illusions, Belzaboul's ability to spawn flies, and Belberith's strength), but since those powers are both really creepy and kind of gamebreaking, he won't be able to use them in Somarium.

Also, by gaining the power of the Bels, his own stats have kind of gone through the roof. He's pretty much literally the second-strongest being in his world next to God (maybe), so it takes a lot to damage him, though that'll be toned down in Somarium.

Essentially he's going to have beefed up stats and be able to use spells without his COMP. Not... incredibly beefed up stats, but basically the equivalent of putting several more points at least in each stat, if we're talking game terms. It would most likely be more, but due to Somarium's limiting effects, it won't be.

[Affection] Hugging is... acceptable, provided he knows you and doesn't hate you. Kissing is. Well. He'd better know you or you're gonna get punched at the very least. Anything further please run past me, especially if there's a question of it could possibly be taken as non-consensual or dubious consent.

(I'd like it if you ran any of this past me, but yes.)
[Fighting] Fighting is a-okay! Kiyoshi's kind of a derp but he's used to fighting by now. Injury is okay, maiming.. please run past me. Killing is... much less okay and I would really like run past me. (Need rez plz. D8)

He might invoke fights, depending on how much of a jerk your character is being. 8|b Generally he's pretty chill, though. Aside from being... you know. A derpspazz.

[Other Permissions]

Fourth-wall breaking, please run past me. Telepathy... uh. Surface thoughts are generally okay. I would appreciate it being run past me too, though.

He doesn't know about the Cain and Abel thing and Naoya is purposely keeping him in the dark about that, so if you want to spoil him on that point I'd appreciate if you'd run it past both of us. NEVER MIND. GILGAMESH IS A TROLL.

Also Kiyoshi answers to a bunch of different names (Kiyoshi, Yuuto, Abel, King of Bel, Your Majesty), so as long as it's not insulting, he'll probably answer if he figures out that you're talking to him.

[Other Facts] DERP DERP DERP.

... Oh right. I should make note of this: Due to the... nature of the War of Bel, when a competitor is defeated, the victor gains their power/energy/essence/fuzzy plot device of doom/whatnot. Therefore, since Kiyoshi has defeated two Bels (including one that was a former(?) Norse god and supposedly immortal), anyone who has energy sensing ability might notice something... odd. Or at least very vaguely inhuman.

Not quite at IT'S OVER NINE THOUSAAAAAAND! level yet, but yes. :|b

Edit as of 3/15/10: Kiyoshi now has a tangible, recognizable aura of power around him, unless he chooses to attempt to suppress it. Said aura, for those able to sense it, is incredibly demonic in nature.

Also he now has a snazzy black cloak. :Db

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