When Michael attempts to flee after Guy's lie, he runs into Brian, who naturally won't let him go it alone.
Michael had run all the way from the cliffs with tears streaming down his face, trying desperately to get away from Guy and the relationship that had been his life for almost a year. The man he loved had just said that it was over, he just simply didn't love Michael anymore and being already partly broken, Michael was on the verge of breaking completely. And he knew he couldn't do it in the compound. People would see him, ask him what's wrong, which he couldn't tell them. Some would say they told him so. Michael didn't even want to think about what Ben would think. He had to get out of there.
He ran straight to his room and pulled out the messenger bag he'd arrived with, hardly thinking just doing. Quickly emptying out the contents, he shoved some clothes, blankets and such into it before storming out, not looking back at the mess he'd left. If anything, his stuff being everywhere would show people he hadn't disappeared, because he was not in the mood to face anyone to tell them that he was just leaving for a while. Michael then stopped in the kitchen and began packing some stuff that would last a few days. He hoped it would only take a few days...
Still on autopilot, he took a drink of something from the fridge not even tasting it, as his body was feeling slightly dehydrated, as the stream of tears hadn't stopped.
Brian came into the kitchen at that moment in search of some of that beer that was sometimes in the fridge. "Hey, Mikey," he greeted before getting a good look at his friend. "...What the fuck's wrong?" His brow immediately furrowed into a frown at Mikey's state of obvious upset.
Michael looked up with a start at Brian as he placed the last thing into his bag and closed the clasps on the front flap. Just seeing his best friend, made the tears get a bit harder and his breath quicker. Brian had warned him this would happen afterall. Why did he always have to be right? He couldn't find the breath to speak for a few long moments, so busied himself with pulling the strap of his bag over his head. "I have to go...I...Guy..." And just saying the man's name caused Michael to break down again, arms hugging themselves around his waist.
Mikey didn't have to say anything more. Brian rolled his eyes and sighed in irritation as he went to Mikey and pulled him into an embrace. Most people wouldn't say 'I told you so' at a time like this. Brian Kinney wasn't most people, however. "See, this is what happens when you try to play hetero," he said, his tone both chiding and gentle. He tightened his hold on Mikey, pressing a kiss to his hair.
While he knew Brian wasn't one to not say it, it still made Michael burst out into a fresh batch of sobs. Had everyone known before he did? Was he that stupid? Finally he pushed himself away from Brian. "I have to...I have to get out of here." He said desperately, hoping that Brian wouldn't make a big deal and just let him go. He need to think and pull himself together and he couldn't do it here.
"Wait, wait, hold on. Get out of here to where?" Brian demanded, reaching for his arm. He'd be damned if Mikey was just going to..to...wander off into the jungle alone. Not after that shit with the dinosaurs after the earthquake. Oh fuck no.
Michael flinched. "I...I don't know." He knew what Brian was thinking so he added, "Not to the dino side...just away. I can't...I can't face everyone. I'll be back." Of that he was sure, just not right now.
Brian made a snap decision. "I'm going with you," he stated in a tone that wasn't open to argument or debate. "Just let me get some shit." He eyed Mikey and then added, "In fact, come with me to my room." The thought of an impromptu 'camping trip' wasn't an attractive one, but the alternative--letting Mikey take off alone, facing Deb and having to tell her he let Mikey go off alone--was even worse.
He could only nod, a part of him glad he wasn't going to have to go it alone, especially since Brian was about the only one Michael was able to stand when he got like this. But he was too numb to actually process it, so he just nodded with a soft, "okay."
Brian hadn't been expecting an argument. It was Mikey after all. They knew how this worked, both of them. He headed down to his room and packed up a few things--mostly drugs. "All right. Let's get the fuck out of here, then. We'll have ourselves a little jungle party." And Brian would get Mikey to say a fuck you and good riddance to one Guy Burgess. Even if it meant he had to sit through tears and moaning for a while first. He'd get Mikey to see it his way, or a little closer to, at least.