
Jul 18, 2011 00:20

[It's raining out, but it always seems to be raining out lately. It fits the mood anyway. Nothing like heading out into the world to spin my wheels for a bit and pretend that maybe, somewhere, I'm going to make a difference. Not even the rain washes the city clean, it's rotten from within and it stinks to high heaven.

But what else can a cop do?

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film noir, cop

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Comments 24

Action? :O Let me know if that's not cool and I'll edit idkmybfftrash July 17 2011, 17:48:59 UTC
[ Wasn't meaning to come by to see her, but it never happens that way, does it? Some people you're just pulled to and it's always the damnedest ones. Never was one to keep a low profile but I'm not sure what else I've done that's stupider.

She's walking by and I step out of the shadows, just the way it always is, lighting up a cigar in the cover of a nearby building and embers and ash meet with rain and tension. It's almost poetic. I level her with a cold glare before speaking up.]

Rough night to be out on your own. Don't you know it's dangerous in this town?


Re: Action! alwaysaboom July 17 2011, 17:55:49 UTC
[ I look over at him, and then take a glance around in case anyone is watching. He just had the damndest timing didn't he? ]

I am a cop, and I know you didn't forget that part.


Re: Action! idkmybfftrash July 17 2011, 18:03:06 UTC
Damn hard to forget.

[ I tap the cigar ash, making like I don't care. Like it's just any other conversation with any other nobody cop. We both know better. ]

Being a cop makes it worse. Shady types around here.


Re: Action! alwaysaboom July 17 2011, 18:09:52 UTC
Everyone in the damn city is a shady type.

[You especially. Who says crime doesn't pay? His damn suit is an honestly cop's monthly salary, but maybe that's why she had always loved ripping it off.]

You got business with me?


[Action] nomansplaything July 19 2011, 08:49:53 UTC
I've spent today the same way I've spent every other day since I arrived in this wretched city. Watching. Always watching, but never noticed by these humans. And I see everything. The pretty girls, exchanging their bodies for money or drugs. The politicians, exchanging their favor or other deeds for money or drugs. The promising youths, pedaling drugs and weapons or even killing... all for money or drugs.

Such a disgusting species.

Yet I cannot force myself to leave.

And here is the officer, Ivanova, passing below my perch. One of the few noble beasts at last.

[He drops from his perch and approaches her.]

Officer Ivanova! How goes it on this sopping wet evening?


Re: [Action] alwaysaboom July 19 2011, 13:18:53 UTC
Same as always. You'd think the rain could clean things up a bit, but it never works that way.

She was trying not to be startler by the panther jumping down in front of her, but he had this habit of appearing out of nowhere.


[Action] nomansplaything July 22 2011, 09:32:39 UTC
Indeed. The scum is far too old to be washed away so easily..

How goes your current investigative endeavors?


Re: [Action] alwaysaboom July 22 2011, 18:02:27 UTC
As well as they can when the judge and comissioners are just as dirty as the criminals.


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