ah yes. and i've found another kid that i like. he is a total cutie and i talked to him when we got back from bahn bahn bahn. he came up to me and he was like "uuummm....you play the *moves fingers around as if playing the saxophone*" "the saxophone?" "yeah!" "uuummm...yeah i do..." "oh. well, what's your name?" "nova" "that's cool. i play the *moves fingers as if playing the saxophone again*" "saxophone?" "yeah. i play it too" "really?" "yeah...remember. i was the guy you sat next to the first day *smiles*" "no....i don't remember. are you in wind ensemble?" "mhm" "really? that's cool" "yeah...are you?" "haha. yuuup. i'm the section leader *starts to walk away*" "oh. well, that means you're better than me." "*stops* not necessarily" "really?" "mhm *walks away" so that's basically what happened. and i like the kid. he's cute and he must be good :)
Comments 6
p.s. the face comment was totally uncalled for.
well... i have shoes... :) it's a start.
*tap shoes
*jazz shoes
*pink tights
*black leotard
*black jazz pants
ah yes. and i've found another kid that i like. he is a total cutie and i talked to him when we got back from bahn bahn bahn. he came up to me and he was like "uuummm....you play the *moves fingers around as if playing the saxophone*"
"the saxophone?"
"uuummm...yeah i do..."
"oh. well, what's your name?"
"that's cool. i play the *moves fingers as if playing the saxophone again*"
"yeah. i play it too"
"yeah...remember. i was the guy you sat next to the first day *smiles*"
"no....i don't remember. are you in wind ensemble?"
"really? that's cool"
"yeah...are you?"
"haha. yuuup. i'm the section leader *starts to walk away*"
"oh. well, that means you're better than me."
"*stops* not necessarily"
"mhm *walks away" so that's basically what happened. and i like the kid. he's cute and he must be good :)
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