SO HIII. Obviously I'm home and shit, if you couldn't tell by the influx of comments on some of your journals. I did make it through 5 days worth of LJ entries, someone give me a fucking medal. I didn't comment a lot, but I did comment.
I couldn't deal with the hotel's slow wireless combined with my slow old fogie of a laptop so I just barely got by. HOMG it is SO HARD not to see twitter all the time. I'm sure I missed so many amazing tweets. But yeah.
BEST. WEEKEND. OF MY LIFE. Which is what I said last year at Chicon but this weekend...omg how do you top suprise!Jensen fucking Ackles. And so many fucking awesome people I met this weekend! It got to where I couldn't even keep track. I should've carried around a little notebook or something because I can't remember everyone's names/LJ names to look them up on The Google. (Also I have a ridiculous amount of inside jokes now. The sheer number rivals the size of Matt Cohen's penis.)
OKAY WELL YOU ALL KNOW WHAT HAPPENED because for once Creation was not douchey and let people record glorious footage. Sweeeet glorious footage. I actually already watched a bunch of
agt_spooky's vids again and discovered there were things I'd missed, especially during the J2M panel because I was laughing so goddamned hard.
I will make a post with my memories and favorites and highlights and a later date. This one is for pretty pictures. I didn't actually take but a handful of my own pics b/c I figured ppl w/far better quality camera than me would be sharing and caring after the con. I thought
wolfpup2000 would be there, but apparently she had a family emergency and was not. So hopefully someone else took equally amazing photos like she usually does. Especially of their shoes and jewelry.
The wonderfully adorable, nice, gracious, and high maintenence :P
dauntdraws had purchased a last minute gold ticket but did not actually want to use any of the gold ticket user bonuses other than the actual seat, so I was all over that like a cheap whore. Which meant among breakfast and desert party, I got autographs! I got three of them (Aldis, Misha, Mark) for other people, and then the Ghostfacers, who I don't reaaaaally like but am not against, and Jared's, were included. And then I had this wonderful picture so I just had to get Jensen's auto too so I shelled out the monies.
I didn't want to have to buy individual photos and of course none of the vendors sell pretty general background pictures and not pics with specific actors faces on them. But
vehiclesshockme was all WELL HEY I CAN JUST GO TO WALGREENS FOR YOU. So some of you may recognize that picture from the car show that I went to a few weeks ago. YES, I had them sign a picture I TOOK. Of a 64 impala but shhhhhhhhh no one asked/noticed.
My Jensen op went really quickly. I was in line with
uglyduckling_me and she was having ppl sign like a Scientific American or something b/c she didn't have anything else for them to sign. And Jensen signed a picture of the universe. And what the fuck dumb thing did I say, Kate? Like, "The universe isn't big enough for you" or something equally as dumbassish. OH ME.
For Jared there were a couple older ladies in front of me that he continued to talk to as he was signing my picture and I was a little :/ about that, then he was all "I'm not a bad person" and IDK what they'd been talking about but I said "Oh I don't think you are." And he was all "No I know you don't but SHE does." and then I was ushered forward so IDK what the fuck that exchange was.
Okay so last year I got a J2 duo photo and my face is the most ridiculous Herp Derp type thing ever, which is why I've never posted it and only a few (un)lucky souls have ever seen it, so I planned to make a point this year to focus more on JENSEN and not get distracted by Stephanie telling her how amazing her singing voice is like I did last year nd then subsequently stepping on Jensen's toe and not looking at Jared. Also partially solved that problem by getting separate photo ops.
So, standing in line, staring at Jensen. NBD. Get up to where Stephanie's directing people up to the camera, and she says to me, "I have to pee so bad." So I respond, "Probably doesn't help that it's so cold in here." And then of course someone's like "Stephanie, next person in line!" And she ushers me forward. And I have lost my concentration and it's OMG JENSEN in front of me. So I just say hi and touch him omg touchhhh him and his slender self and thankfully I had the presence of mind to focus on not making a dumb face. Also I made a point to smell him because everyone talks about how nice he always smells. NICE DOESN'T BEGIN TO COVER IT HOMG. That man, just when you think you can't crush any harder. So then I said thank you and that was it. I wish I would've asked for a hug though.
And for Jared I'd already decided to share with
toolazytowork so I wouldn't make so much an awkward turtle out of myself or whatnot, IDK, ease into the photo op world this year. And I knew I wanted to do a simple smile with Jensen but that it just felt WRONG to do that with big goofy Jared so I'm trying to think of something fun but not ridiculous, you know? And
toolazytowork is standing there, I think we were close if not already in the line for photos, and she's eating Twizzlers and talking aobut how she always has candy on her. And I'm like D'OH. Quick, easy, stealthy prop.
So we get up to Jared and say hi and then damn if she doesn't garner ALL HIS ATTENTION With a damn Twizzler. Boy never even looked at me after he got his candy I don't think. Even if he did I was too busy staring at how fucking amazing his hair looked. I mean seriously WHAT THE FUCK do the hairstylists of the show do to get his hair so shitty looking. Anyway. I'm quite pleased how it turned out. Though I wonder if he ate the Twizzler after sticking it up his nose or if one of the many Creation employees took it and threw it away for him...
And then just because, I know a good portion of you have seen this, but
dauntdraws was doing little sketch cards per request all weekend, and for some reason my mind, perpetually stuck on Dean Winchester, was all OMG DEAN/SHERLOCK. We decided there was NO WAY they would get along, though possibly hate sex could be involved at some point I think, and then she drew me this a;lds;afjs. And now I may or may not have a smidgen of a story idea in mind for it. And yes it is in second person. IDK if it'll get written though, I need to focus on
spn_reversebang. My poor artist wants a draft and I have no words to give her. ANYWAY. In the ongoing saga of Dean Winchester: fandom bicycle...
So there's that. Now I'm going to bed as I've had about 4 hours of sleep per night since Thursday morning and I honestly don't know how my body is still going. It's also really confused to be sober for the whole day, I think. I've had a headache since I got going. But that could just have been from all the screaming children. (Oh PS I substitute teached...taught at the elementary school today. First day on the job. Were we that crazy as 1st/2nd/3rd graders? I somehow think not.)
crawleysnakes and my god I don't even remember everyone's usernames tbqh. But I miss you all. Hell I miss people I never even got introduced to, lol.