Pictures from the beach

Aug 08, 2013 17:36

Here are some pictures from last week at the beach.

Emily is dating this amazing guy Tom, who went through the same program at the ranch that she completed and has been sober for seven years. He's pretty awesome. When he was in his teens he started showing signs of paranoid schizophrenia, but no one knew that's what it was and he started self medicating with alcohol. His family was very supportive and after a year's stay in a mental health facility, he was finally properly diagnosed and medicated and has been sober since then. He's probably one of the best people I know, and he is so devoted to Emily. She's been through the ringer and I'm crazy protective of her and it's nice to see her with someone who recognizes how wonderful she is and wants to love her. I imagine they'll get married in the next few years and I am incredibly happy about it.

So Emily and Tom came down for the first few days, Andy came down on Thursday and Sarah and Ben were only able to come down at the end of the week, so unfortunately there aren't any pictures of all of us together, but I love what I did get.

Possibly one of my favorite photos. Taken our first full day at the beach. How adorable is Tom??? And Emily is so happy with him which is the best part.

The house had this awesome screened porch and Em, Tom and I spent a lot of time playing cards out there.

This is my cousin Rosa. Her mom is my Aunt Amey, my mom's sister (one of four). Rosa is thirteen and so awesome.

The kid on the right is my cousin Charlie, his mom is my Aunt Carrie, my mom's youngest sister. Charlie's tenth birthday was on the Tuesday we were at the beach and Aunt Amey took us all to see Gilette Castle in Connecticut. This is on the ferry across the Connecticut River.

I made them promise to do a nice picture first and then we could do a silly one. All they wanted to do was silly pictures. They're such goobers.

Emily and Tom, this is so cute it could be a Save the Date Picture :D

Aunt Carrie, Em and Me. That was such a fun day.

Charlie's Birthday. Aunt Amey organized games and this is everyone attempting to do the crab walk. It was pretty hilarious.

Em, Will and Me.

Yay, Andy's here! The morning after he arrived having driven straight from Roanoke, Virginia where he spent two days taking the Bar Exam. He was in dire need of some sleep and hugs.

Yay, Sarah's here!

Sarah and Ben, giving Emily and Tom a run for the title of Most Adorable Couple.

Our last morning at the beach.

Andy and Me before we say goodbye until the Road Race in September.

So refreshed after a whole week with people I love.

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