Title: Silent Treatment (3/3)
alwayspromisedCategory: Supernatural
Rating: PG-13
Summary: There's something about silence from our parents that is perceived as being as harmful to our survival as something that can physically hurt us, and our body automatically knows this. Pre-Series.
Notes: Once again this chapter does not take place immediately
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Comments 2
It's times like these after reading a story like yours I envision John all alone hurting somewhere thinking to himself 'Dean?!!!'
Better yet living to be an old ass man in some nursing home suffering from all the illnesses drinking everyday can give you. He's alone, dying and no one comes to visit - EVER!
On his death bed during his final hours he picks up a phone and tries to call Sam but his secretary tells him he's in a meeting, and can't be disturbed but she'll give him another message like she did the day before, and the one before that, and so on.
He decides to call Dean and he gets this message, "This is Dean I'm busy but if you're anyone other than John Winchester leave a message. If this is you Dad please delete my number and don't call again!"
And like the previous comment; it would be amazing if John had indeed lived to old age- feeling lonely and abandoned himself... Although I doubt Dean would ever have the heart to isolate him the way John did to him.. I can almost imagine a scenario when he calls Sam- who promptly rejects his call...and gradually works up the courage to call Dean- expecting the same reception.(It's not like he isn't aware of his shortcoming...) and then is pleasantly surprised when his eldest drops everything to come to him.
oh, Dean...
*thanks for sharing!*
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