(no subject)

Jan 23, 2004 05:30

yourtiredwords: i just filled out a survey go do it so i have something to read plz

Longest you've gone with out a shower: Uh, a couple days I guess?
Color of most clothes you own: All kinds of blues. And white and grey. I think it's a tie.
Number of pillows you sleep with: Two. One is too flat and three is too much.
What do your teeth look like: Like teeth?
What are you wearing: Blue fleece capris, my Goonies shirt that says "Sloth loves Chunk", with a picture of the both of them on it, and white ankle socks.
What are you doing in 1 hour: Sleeping, I sure hope.
What room are you in right now: My bedroom.
What were you doing 12AM last night: Having *sex.

Do you like riddles: Certainly.
Do you like trampolines: They are so great.

How old will you be in 10 years: 29 :(
What do you think you'll be doing in 10 years: Definitely not this.
Do you have braces: No.
Are you paranoid: Yes heh.
Do you burn or tan: Burn baby, burn. disco inferno.
Pen or pencil: Pen.
Do you check your mail regularly: Like once a week.

Describe your cd player: It's a CD player, what is there to describe.
Your wallet: It's shiny and silver and I am obsessed with it. I've had it since I was 17 and I will never get rid of it.
Your alarm clock: --------------->
Your hair: It's blonde, straight, not thick but there's a lot of it, and it's down to just past my shoulder blades.
Tooth brush: It's blue and clear.
Computer: Three words. Piece. of. shit.
Bed: It's noisy and small and it's the same length as me perfectly. I've had it since I was 13 and I never want to get rid of it because it's so comfy.
Note book: I just made a personal journal for me to write it and I taped all these weird things on the outside of it. I love it.

What color are your nails: Uh, nail color.
What color are your eyes: Green, the best.

First real memory of something: Jesse and I running up my driveway in Pennsauken. We were four.
First car: Um, do my new Adidas count?
First date: Never been on one.
First kiss: I was 11 and I was forced into playing truth or dare by my slutty cousin Shannon. I had to kiss this kid named Chucky insertreallyfuckeruplastnamehere. He was gross.
First break-up: I guess I would have to have a first boyfriend in order for this to happen.
First job: E Center. In Camden. I only got the job because *Nsync was playing there twice in two days and I got to see it for free.
First screen name: Addie2731. Which isn't bad so I'll tell you my second screen name. TeNnMaNsGurL0131 and my third was JustinzMyHo. End my life now.
First piercing/tattoo: Ears/Butterfly on the back of my neck.
First independent home: Ashley's panties.
First love: No one hiss.
First enemy: I've never had an enemy, believe it or not.
First big trip: When I was two, my mom left my dad and she took all the kids and packed up the car and wanted to move to Cali. the car broke down in Illinois so we came back home.
First play/musical/performance: In second grade, we did a play on the Pilgrims and Indians. It was nothing really.
First musician you remember hearing in your house: The Beatles, definitely.

Last cigarette: Right now.
Last kiss: 2 months ago? I don't know, I'm trying to forget it.
Last good cry: Wow. Um. I'm so used to being able to say like 2 seconds ago. But it's actually been two weeks or more.
Last library book checked out: Where the Sidewalk Ends by Shell Silverstein :[
Last movie seen: In the movies, LOTR:ROTK \m/! At home, I just watched Fight Club a little while ago while on the phone with mommadukes.
Last book read: I just started reading Everything's Evntual by Stephen King.
Last cuss word uttered: Fuck, probably..
Last time you were sick: I actually just woke up with a cold today.
Last person you yelled at: I don't know, my dad probably.
Last beverage drank: I cheated and drank Sprite today :[
Last crush: I haven't had a crush on someone in a long ass time.
Last TV show watched: Conan O'Brien.
Last time showered: Around 9PM.
Last shoes worn: My slippers.
Last CD played: *Nsync - NSA :[
Last item bought: Cigarettes.
Last annoyance: This survey.
Last disappointment: Not getting the job at WaWa.
Last soda drank: Sprite.
Last thing written by hand: An entry in my notebook.
Last key used: Uh, I don't have keys.
Last word spoken: Goodnight to my mom.
Last sexual fantasy: I had a dream the other night about this kid from 8th grade. His name was EJ and he was such a good friend of mine. He was so hot, but I never ever had a crush on him. And out of no where he pops up in my dream in a few compromising positions.
Last ice cream eaten: Chocolate Peanutbutter Cup.
Last time amused: yourtiredwords (6:24:46 AM): i do not know spanish i hope that's ok
loner zeros (6:25:44 AM): freetranslation.com
Last time wanting to die: Never.
Last time in love: Never.
Last time hugged: Last Friday.
Last time scolded: I don't remember. A long long time.
Last time resentful: Everyday.
Last chair sat in: The one I'm in right now that hurts my ass.
Last time dancing: Earlier in my room?
Last poster looked at: Justin but only because it's closest to me.
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