The Czech is in the Male - the Zelenka Slash Thing-a-Thon thing...

Oct 18, 2007 19:53

moonlettuce and davechicken have been telling me for the last 18 months or so that I have to run this ficathon. Why? Because as soon as I mentioned what I would call it, they snorted with glee and I've had various forms of 'dooooooooo eeeeeeet' crooned in my ear since then.

So I finally gave in, largely because of the cackling.

The Czech is in the Male - the Zelenka Slash Thing-a-thon

The Czech is in the Male is a gift exchange open to fans of Zelenka who would like to see more slash featuring his character. It's open to fanfic writers and fanartists, which is why it's a 'Thing-a-Thon' rather than a 'Fic-a-Thon'. I wanted to open it to as many fans of getting Zelenka nekkid with another guy as possible, regardless of their spheres of interest in terms of fanworks.

I'm going to make the thing-a-thon as easy as possible, so the challenge will be based around giving a brief prompt (based on the principle of 'three words') to your assigned writer/fanartist. And I'm shamelessly going to crib the format that I came up with for the Weir/Zelenka thing-a-thon last year because it was simple and it seemed to work.

How it works

You sign up below, giving an indication of what you are willing to offer fanwork wise and what you would like in exchange, together with a three word prompt. Everyone else signs up, offering fanworks too and making their own requests.

I then mix and match requests and assign you someone to create for.

When the big day arrives, you post your work in your LJ or on your webpage and I make a post and ask you to comment, linking to your work and saying who it's for.

What if I don't want something in my story, like deathfic or non-con?

You'll also get to give an indication of one thing you would like in three words or less, and one thing you would not like in three words or less. We're trying to stop requests being too prescriptive while at least giving your assigned writer or artist something to work with.

What if I can't/don't want to write something?

Again, you have the chance to give three things you don't want to write (for example death fics, non-con, a particular pairing).

However, I'm going to ask that people are as flexible as they can be in the pairings that they'll write. There isn't a heck of a lot of Zelenka slash out there, and what there is seems to fall into two or three main pairings. I'll try and match recipient and writer as closely as possible, but it may not be possible to have a perfect match, for example if someone wants something like Zelenka/Bates ::looks hard at certain people:: Obviously, if someone says that they can't write a particular pairing, they won't be assigned it, but on the other hand if you say you'll only write a particular pairing, then it may not be possible to accomodate you if no one requests it.

So by signing up you're saying you'll at least try to write what you've been assigned, even if it's not a pairing you expected. If you don't think that you can do that, then this may not be the ficathon you're looking for.

What do I offer?

At minimum, everyone signs up to provide one of the following for their assignee:

- one piece of fanfiction of at least 1,000 words in length
- one piece of fanart
- ten user icons.

You can offer any combination of these, but you will only be asked to provide one. For example:

Fan A offers fanfiction, fanart or usericons.

Fan B would like fanfiction or fanart.

Fan A is assigned to create something for Fan B and creates either a piece of fanfiction or a piece of fanart, using the given three word prompts. If you're producing fanfiction, you should include the three words within your story. If you're producing fanart or usericons, you may use them as inspiration rather than directly including them in the work if you wish.

When does it have to be done by?

Sign ups are open until 31 October (Halloween).

Assignments will be sent out by mid-November.

Works are due 20 January 2008. There are three reasons for this:

- it means that if you've also signed up for any Winter fic-a-thons, you'll have a little extra time to prepare something for this one as well

- you will have around 8 weeks to create something, which seems a reasonable amount of time, even for a slowcoach like me

- Jan 20th is, according to moonlettuce, Penguin Awareness Day - one of them at least (there's also an Appreciation Day, and 13th and 20th seem to be competing dates but, dude! So not closing a thing-a-thon on the 13th. That's just asking for trouble!). This amuses me ::g::

Does Zelenka have to top?

No. We just thought that it was a funny name for a ficathon.

Cool. What do I need to do?

Comment below in the following format:

e-mail address:
What type of media you would like: Fanfiction, fanart and/or userpics
Three little words: e.g. rain, flail, fly
One thing you would like, in three words or less: e.g. 'a happy ending'
One thing you would not like, in three words or less: e.g. 'everybody dies, omg!'
What pairings you would like: up to three for your recipient to choose from - note: they don't have to write more than one unless they want to
What are you offering in exchange: fanfiction, fanart and/or userpics
What you don't want to write: e.g. deathfic, non-con, pairing
Would you be willing to pinch hit? This means would you be interested in stepping in if someone else has to drop out, and fill in the gap so that no one is left without something nice on the day. If you think you can do that, please let me know.

What if I can't complete my assignment on time?

First of all, please give it your best shot. It's really not fair if someone signs up, delivers their promised assigment and then discovers that the person assigned to provide something for them has dropped out.

That being said, if there's no helping it, please let me know as soon as possible. The earlier you can let me know, the more time I have to find someone to step into the breach (pinch hit).

What if I don't have a livejournal? What if I don't have a webpage?

If you don't have a livejournal, you can still play. Just provide your e-mail address and I'll send the assignment there. When the day arrives you can either send me the link to your work if it's posted to the web or send it to me, and I'll post it to my livejournal under your name.

ficathon: the czech is in the male!

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