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What was the highlight of your day? burrito
And the worst? post unhang over hang over sleep surplus
How many meals do you usually eat a day? 1ish
What's your favorite movie? Batman
Have you ever thought George Clooney was hot? OBVIOUSLY
How long has it been since you have seen an ex? a while
Name 5 of your best friends. matt emilyn jen burry erin
Would you ever consider moving to Zimbabwe? yeah, I'll at least think about it
When was the last time you had Starbucks? months and months maybe a year
Are you single? yes
What is your opinion on global warming? chill out planet
What about abortion? i believe in science
Which would you rather star in: High School Musical or Striptease? they are pretty much the same movie
What's the worst movie you've ever seen? not another teen movie, the movie
How many times do you sneeze a day? zero
Are you an "adult"? i guess pretty much almost 20
Where do you live? a 55+ community
Have you ever thought Micheal Jackson was going to kidnap you? whoa, i totally posted that youtube pre this survery
What color hair do you have? red
Would you rather have a hybrid vehicle or a Hummer? hybrid ha
Who is prettier: Angelina Jolie or Kate Bosworth? who?
What do you think about the tabloids? kill time
Have you ever been to Texas? sure have
Would you want to go? i love cousins and fiestas
Do you wear a watch? no
Have you ever had the sensation that you were falling while asleep? always
What do you think about Britney Spears' 16 year old sis getting pregnant? old news
Do you recycle? yeah this survry blew
Are you anyones first love? yeah
Has someone ever told you they want to spend the rest of their life with you? yes creepy once.
If the year consisted of only one season, which would you choose? spring
What are you doing tomorrow? appointment with the big dudes, math class, SOMETHING PRODUCTIVE HOPEFULLY, work
What's bothering you right now? tomorrow
Do you like the person you are becoming? not really
Do you miss anyone from your past? yeah
If you could see someone right now who would it be? some one to have awkward catch up conversation with
Do you find the opposite sex confusing? they're people
Are you open about your feelings or closed off? pretty open I guess, things are known
Did you ever lose a best friend? maybe they weren't a best friend after all
Are you going to kiss the last person you kissed again? doubt it
Do you trust all of your friends? I have my way
Have you ever woken up next to someone and wanted to puke? tons of times
If someone likes you what would be the best way to let you know? just keep on keeping on, show me a good time lolzzzz
Would you honestly say you'd risk your life for someone else? yes, i'd pop a kidney out on a drop of a dime
Has anyone upset you in the last week? no?
Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance? if no one died the first time
Is there anyone who won't leave you alone right now that you wish would? yes
Who knows ALL of your secrets? my blogz
What holiday is your birthday close to? I am the day after St. Patrick Day
Are you easily distracted? proven fact=yes?
Do your teeth chatter or do you get goose bumps when you're cold? both
If you could buy a dog right now, what would you name it? Arnold
Whats the worst thing to happen to you today? I awkwardly jumped into some ones conversation at work to tell them about my winnie the pooh tattoo
If you jumped out your bedroom window right now, how injured would you get? the bush might scratch me
Do you like a particular brand of shoe? fake knock off keds or vans i suppose
Think of the last person who said I love you to you, who was it, do you think they meant it? duh Granny=word is bond
When was the last time you had butterflies? actually in the summer while eatting a burrito I had butterflies for like 1.3 minutes, I have horrible timing and a bad sense of direction now
Last person you commented? pfffttt uh sarah's myspace pic
What can't you wait for? I guess I have some time off of school coming up
Is this the best year of your life? it isn't a bad one that is forrr sureeee
Are you good at hiding your feelings? I don't know
Who knows you the best? I don't know
Did you get a full 8 hours of sleep last night? yeah, but like not restfull nice sleep
Have anyone on your mind? yes
If your friends warn you about someone, do you listen? I listen but depends
When you say you dont care, do you mean it? sometimes it's a cover up duh
Are you satisfied with what you currently have in life? it's alright
Are you sarcastic? yes
Is there someone who you can spend every minute with and be happy? has got to be more then one person occasionally