I don't know whether to be irritated at yet another example of the 'moral majority' deciding what is good for society, then passing a law to enforce it, for our own good of course, or laugh at their complete stupidity
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One of our longest held freedoms is that of Civil Disobedience. What many people actually believe is that it gives one an automatic pass if your faced with jail time. That isn't actually true, the law actually reads that the Federal Gov't will make no laws barring the peaceful congrees of its citizens nor will it make laws forbidding acts of civil
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rofl, my sister in law sent this, and it is hilarious. Even funnier, my two cats more then vaguely resemble this one, and my dog, well all I can say it this one must be her long lost twin, rofl
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You know, sometimes I really hate being right about a person. I knew when I heard Mary was pregnant again that it would be bad, then it got worse, she had triplets. She couldn't even care for the two she had, in fact she left one of them with her sister
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