Dear Santa,
I barely know who you are, but I suppose there's no use fighting this. Besides, even though I know it's really the Admiral getting the gifts, it is nice to be able to request things for people.
For the Doctor with a scarf, I'd like jelly babies and a picture of Romana.
For the Doctor with the celery, I'd like the equipment for that cricket game he likes.
For the Doctor with the question marks, I'd like some kind of puzzle that when completed, it resembles a giant question mark. And make it at least somewhat difficult.
Give Omega some lab equipment that he doesn't already have.
For Data, I want a book of Opera music.
Narvin should get...a surveillance camera. That seems like something he'd like.
And for Capa and Velma, I'd like them to get Gallifreyan physics textbooks. They'd probably like both that they're alien and that they're about physics.