
stochastic models

May 31, 2014 21:55

John Baez (2014)
"Network Theory".
Presented in Oxford.
Presented at Dagstuhl:
"Categorical Methods
at the Crossroads

Links from the book.

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M. Fukushima "Dirichlet Forms and Markov Processes"
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Additional references
(from J.Cowan's art., NNs book 2014):

Beurle, R.L. (1956) "Properties of a mass of
cells capable of regenerating pulses
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Rose, H. (1980) "Renormalised kinetic theory for nonequilibrium
many-particle classical systems.
" J. Stat. Phys. 20(4), 415-447.

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Ohira, T., Cowan, J. (1997) "Stochastic neurodynamics and the system
size expansion.
" In: Ellacort, S., Anderson, I. (eds.) Proc. of the
1st Int. Conf. on the Math. of NNs, pp. 290-294. Kluwer, Boston.

McKane, A., Newman, T. (2005) "Predator-prey cycles from resonant
amplification of demographic stochasticity
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Mobilia, M., Georgiev, I., Taüber, U. (2006) "Fluctuations and correlations
in lattice models of predator-prey interactions
" Phys.Rev.E 73(4),04093-04096.

Benayoun, M., Cowan, J., van Drongelen, W., Wallace, E. (2010)
"Avalanches in a stochastic model of spiking neurons." PLoS Comput. Biol. 6(7), e1000846.

Buice, M.A., Cowan, J.D., Chow, C.C. (2010) "Systematic fluctuation
expansion for neural network activity equations.
" Neur. Comp. 22(2), 377-426.

Bressloff, P. (2009) "Stochastic neural field theory and the
system-size expansion.
" SIAM J. Appl. Math. 70(5), 1488-1521.

P.C. Bressloff (2012) "Spatiotemporal Dynamics of
Continuum Neural Fields" J.Phys.A, 45, 033001. (PDF)

P.C. Bressloff, J.M. Newby (2014) "Path-integrals
and large deviations in stochastic hybrid systems"
Phys.Rev.E, 89, 042701. (PDF)

P.C. Bressloff (2014) "Stochastic Processes in Cell
Biology" Interdisc. Appl. Math. (Springer). The book.

P.C. Bressloff (2009) "Stochastic neural field theory and the
system-size expansion." SIAM J. Appl. Math. 70, 1488-1521. (PDF)

P.C. Bressloff (2009) "Lectures in Mathematical Neuroscience"
In: Math. Biol., AMS, IAS/Park City Math. Ser.(M.A. Lewis,
et al., eds.) 14, 293-398. (PDF)


Moyal, J. (1949) "Stochastic processes and statistical
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