Arashi Tells a Love Story - Ohmiya

Jun 12, 2011 11:43

By: Ami
An Ohmiya Fanfiction
Standard disclaimers apply.

Author’s note: crack with a dash of romance (and Death Note) :D


Kitagawa Johnny calmly picked up the ridiculously expensive cup of green tea, giving the congressman a smirk before taking a sip ( Read more... )

arashi, ohmiya

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Comments 11

neenashareefa June 12 2011, 05:21:58 UTC
off to read :D


am1thirteenth June 13 2011, 02:12:17 UTC
hopes you like it :)


keiblackcat_13 June 12 2011, 05:29:22 UTC
Hoo~ xD
It's soo funny! xD
love this! and I cracked on the part where nino's story somehow leads into death note! xD
Thanks for sharing nee~ xD


am1thirteenth June 13 2011, 02:25:01 UTC
wow thanks for reading and dropping a word here xD


ichi_toshimiya June 12 2011, 06:32:40 UTC
This is soooo cute...
And really that confessing thing?
Yes Nino that's true...
The different was just that...
And you make it different... XDDD

OMG confessing when still in the shower... XDD
Great Idea... fufufu

Thanks for this so crack but lovely and sweet fict... fufufu...
This was so entertaining to read....


am1thirteenth June 13 2011, 02:26:47 UTC
nyahahaha you should try writing at 4 am too you'd be amazed what you can come up with :D


(The comment has been removed)

am1thirteenth June 13 2011, 02:35:18 UTC
thanks a million for reading and commenting :D my (ever so lazy muse) says thanks too xP


platinum28 June 12 2011, 12:47:01 UTC
Oh, Death Note, the parodies you provide us with. <3 *is eternally grateful that it makes such good parody material*

I sniggered so much while reading this, I don't think you'd want me to list every moment I laughed. XD

Thanks heaps for sharing! :D


am1thirteenth June 13 2011, 03:16:06 UTC
oh yes i couldnt count how many times death note parodies made me laugh too XD i dont know about anyone else but it always work for me. instant giggle yey!


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