I am
The crazy
wild imaginative
thoughtful ponderous
devastating under control
empathetic emphatic trustworthy
lazy lethargic give me five more minutes
focused one at a time don't interrupt me nowI like the sky the grass the lakes the ocean the ripples leaves
smell of the air in the spring clouds on the move
sound of the breeze in my ears the roar
of a crowd sound of the voices
echo from high ceilings
the world so loud
and yet so
quietI believe
myself in
my values in
the world in
the smiles around me in
my family in
my friends in
everything that moves in
everything that lives in
dogs cats mice rats monkeys in
language thought action emotion laughter in
peopleI do not care
for misanthropes
for I can't or I give
up because I tried once
and maybe I failed so now I
am doomed to fail to infinity like
deathI am tired of wishing longing blindness incognitive inconsideration eveyone knows that why don't you feel like why don't you know that why don't you feel like tomorrow is the last day to live so I'll throw it away anyways I can't believe you won't everyone does itI prefer because
consideration feeling attempting and attempting and falling down but getting
right back up being myself not a tv star that everyone else is
not don't think just do there's always time to think later
don't tell me to be someone else
Was a silly writing prompt for 1101. It just came out of me in the lab in 10 minutes. Maybe every time I say it, think it, write it, feel it, it will sink in deeper. I know I want it to.