*shiver* I really, really enjoyed this. I love how you used different strands of his reality and showed how they intertwined to create what was to become him. I love the bit about Jermain Moriarty and how he took the name, and God, the part with Anna was just about heart-breaking.
Thank you so much! I'm so glad you enjoyed it. Jim is really tough to write, but at the same time he's really fun, too. And also, mercifully fictional, JFC, what a scary bastard.
I am in total agreement with you on the "tough to write, really fun, mercifully fictional, and a scary bastard" bit. Jim's kinda awesome that way :D. But, yeah, very glad that he's not real…although there are probably people just like him (maybe just my pessimism speaking). (Mostly, imo, he's fun :D. And scary like a really scary thing.)
You're quite right, actually, about there being people just like him. Perhaps his level of intelligence marks him as unique, but, there's no shortage of actual psychopaths in the world :(
I was doing a little research on the topic before writing this. Besides the famous cases, or the ones you hear pop up in the news every so often, one of the main points in every article is that it's a condition that's not uncommon.
Which means you and I probably know a person or two (or more, sadly) with absolutely no empathy or ability to feel remorse. And they can be very charming, so you'll never suspect a thing.
Thank you so much! <3 I'm really happy you feel this way, since this story was so tough to get out. The last part especially, because for the longest time I couldn't imagine a +1 that will do the prompt justice.
Oh, very nice! In a creepy, keep that guy away from me kind of way. I loved the bit about the story of the Conscious, Jim thinking people are nuts for having one. And saving Anna, only to put her on the train? Creepy and perfectly in character. Very well done!
YEAY! This turned out really really great! I thoroughly enjoyed reading it and it comes together so powerfully! It makes you feel like you know so much more about what formed Jim Moriarty... *cheers*
Sorry to hear you've been sick! Get well soon. If you need a fighting hand, I am scarily accurate with a rifle ;)
I think the delicious!MODs took a long vacation. It hasn't been updated in AGES. I'd volunteer to help out myself, but I don't have the time to spare, to be honest.
Comments 29
Awesomely done.
I was doing a little research on the topic before writing this. Besides the famous cases, or the ones you hear pop up in the news every so often, one of the main points in every article is that it's a condition that's not uncommon.
Which means you and I probably know a person or two (or more, sadly) with absolutely no empathy or ability to feel remorse. And they can be very charming, so you'll never suspect a thing.
So, in short -> D:
Very well done!
Jim is amazing to write about (for me), but dear God I hope I'll never ever meet anyone even remotely like him.
Thank you so much for making this legible ;) *all the hugs!*
How are you doing?
Fine over here, fighting off a cold. I'm wishing that the kinkmeme would update their delicious bookmarks so that I can read lots of fic!
Sorry to hear you've been sick! Get well soon. If you need a fighting hand, I am scarily accurate with a rifle ;)
I think the delicious!MODs took a long vacation. It hasn't been updated in AGES. I'd volunteer to help out myself, but I don't have the time to spare, to be honest.
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