oh yeaaaah

Jun 30, 2010 16:34

I know, I've been dead here since Bonamana was released and all, but here I am again. XD And just in case I haven't mentioned it to anyone, I'VE BOUGHT THE  REPACKAGE! ♥ Yeah, Bonamana's Repackage. *_______________________* I'm sooooooooo happy, I just wonder when it will get here, maybe next week or so, hmm, I hope so. xD

NOW, SOOOOLAR IS OUT. AEAEAEAEAEAE. This is the first time EVER, that I can say that ALL the songs are awesome! Y'know, even SuJu couldn't made it at first, with the exemption of the 3rdjib, aka Sorry Sorry. Well, Don't Don was ok too, ah whatever. rofl. *hits self* OK Ok, back to the point, this is the first time ever that a full album, THAT'S NOT SUJU RELATED, has pleased me this much, and when I say this, I mean it, just go to my lastfm account and look up Taeyang's songs, all favorited, hell yeah.

MiYeon's Going Crazy MV and single are out too, and waaaat, MIR WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN THERE MA BB? I wonder why I didn't get to know about this 'till the MV was out earlier today... all I knew was that Jooni was there. Tied up on a bed. With his abs and A++ acting. FML, I want you on my bed. ù_____ú LMAOWAT. Yeah, I'm an insane girl. ♥ MIR'S RAP WAS ANYTHING BUT PERFECT, HOLY SHIT, OMFG. He's one rapper that knows what he's doing, fuck yeah bb! ;DD On the other hand, Kwon released his digital single, and waaaah~, so cute, he's cute, the song is cute, the world is cute. *___________________* Nope, not at all, anyways, the song is love. ♥

Ok, now, moving on to my school shitload. I passed todays tests, or so I hope. Portuguese was ok, got 4 wrong, but it's good to pass, Geography, awww Maiki, why didn't you get the last two questions right?! TELL MEEEEE WHYYYY? Dx Ah, anyways, everything went ok, hope my math work is ok too, omfg, hope it's really ok. Y_Y MOAR SEVEN DAYS AND I CAN SLEEP ALL I WANT, OH YEAH, I'M FEELING GOOD.~ ♫ Winter break will finally start and waah, my joyful month, with SHINee's comeback, No Other being promoted, being able to watch MuBank and play with my cute babe PS! ♥ HAHA, ok I think that's it for school rambling.

Now, I shall go back to msn and wait for Beth to tell her the end of the dream I had written about on Mazeltov.☆ yesterday. *_______________*

Ah, Mazeltov is another blog of mine, that I keep for the sake of venting things out when I'm stressed and can't post on Diva's, 'cause everyone can read my things there. :D

shinee, mir, super junior, kpop, blog, taeyang, joon, school, jo kwon, beth, mv

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