Where is Ouji?!?!?

Jun 24, 2010 22:56

Since Shige has a car now, and we both had the day off, we naturally we wanted to go sightseeing! Only problem is, we've been everywhere that we can think of!!

So looking through a Tokyo Guidebook, we found we've never been to "Ouji".

Sidenote: We had a buffet breakfast that morning at Coco's.... who lied about having meat (>.<) That is all.

First, I have to say that Shige is either a lucky bastard, or a huge liar. I say both with love, but it seriously gets to me how he can find one of the *very few* McDonalds with a drive-thru, especially the minute after we made a bet (good sushi) on it. Dammit.

But it was my first Japanese Drive-Thru <3

Driving to Ouji...

After a good 1/2 hour trying to find parking, then a sweltering hot walk in high heels to a small park, we have a got a shot of me breaking trespassing rules to get a good shot with a natural waterfall. That's right, a natural waterfall right in the middle of Tokyo<3

We did see water pipes hiding around it.... but I like to believe in the Miracle of Tokyo -that is- everything is possible in Tokyo =P

Looks like we drove out to a camp site hey??

On the way to the next park, we saw this:

Did I mention that there is nothing to do in Ouji except see nature?? lol

The next park had both a Western Style and a Japanese Style park.

I was wearing a sweater and jeans, and it was SOOOO SUUNNNYYY and BURNING HOT. I wasn't talking and basically just sweating. I was sitting on the bench, face glittering from sweat, and Shige thought he'd capture the horribleness, but AHA! Jokes on him! I look normal hahahaha

And yes, slightly annoyed IS my normal face :)

This duck stalked us for food. But we didn't have any.

This cat and snake were like best friends, enjoying the sunshine. They didn't even give me the time of day when I threw rocks at them :*(

Then it was off to the supermarket, and Shige showed me how to make tempura! It is actually much easier than you'd think :)

And fried chicken :)

My lunch for the next day !! Is pretty and drenched in oil =P
Thanks Shige <3


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