Another Try at 101 Things

Nov 12, 2020 21:47

I've decided to give 101 Things in 10001 Days another try. I tried to make a good mix of simple goals and complicated ones that will hopefully offer the encouragement of occasionally completing things while still offering a challenge here or there. I'm so bad about planning to do things and then just not (Inktober, a million NaNoWriMo projects, the last time I tried 101 things, a billion Pinterest pins), but maybe this will be my 1001 days! lol

Here's my List

The ones that say 'For a Year' I will be starting in January. The ones that say 'every week' I'll be starting next week unless they say, 'every week for a year' and then I'll be starting them in January too. I have two different NaNo goals listed. I did that cause this year's NaNo is half over so I'll be starting late and probably won't finish, but I'll have participated. Next year, I'll start at the beginning of he month and hopefully complete it. If not, there'll still be 2022! LOL

I also have two different tattoo goals. One is matching tattoos with someone else (my sisters want to get matching tattoos, so that'll probably take care of that) and the other is just 'get a tattoo' one. I will not be counting the singular one complete when I get the matching one, there will be two separate tattoos.

There's one that says, 'keep a blog for a year' and 'write a blog entry everyday for a year' that I plan on being different blogs, or maybe the same blog over two different years. I haven't decided yet. Since 1001 days is well over two years, it could go either way. I haven't decided where this blogging will take place either. I think I'll use something like WordPress or Wix or something, but not sure which. I have a month and a half to plan it out though. Why not do it here? Cause I don't want my old LJ posts, from over a decade ago, to be part of a new blog. I will probably post links here though. Plus, I have another LJ specific goal.

Anyway, I will also need to get started on a NaNo project. lol

I have a story I started, which has about 2000 words already done. Obviously, I won't count those as part of the project, but it does give me a good launching point and getting as far as I can with it in the next 18 days with it will satisfy the 'Participate' goal.

Some of the items like 'go on a cruise' and 'visit a state I've never been to' and 'get a massage' will have to wait until a vaccine comes out, of course, but again, 1001 days is well over two years, so I think there's plenty of time for that to happen.

Here's hoping I don't suck and crap out again!

101 in 1001

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