Oh yeah, I've seen Thirteen. Crazy stuff. Very good, though. DUDE!!! Egypt! I'm so jealous. I actually might come visit you. Or travel somewhere to hang out. Who knows. Speaking of abroad, I'm considering this program for May-June in 2007 in Brussels where I take government classes and learn all about the U.N and stuff. It would be pretty bitchin, I think. Anyway. I'm done. No, I'm not. I get to register for classes on the 25th, and I'm going to attempt to take Arabic! Only downfall: the only good teacher is offered only at 8am everyday. Damn. I'm not going to be sleeping much next year. ANYWAY, hasta your mom.
That program in Brussels sounds vaguely familiar...hmmm...maybe I'll join you! MWAHAHAHA! Ahem. No, seriously, that sounds like fun. Anyhow, that sucks about the Arabic, but it is the best language in the history of languages, so you should definitely take it anyway. And then you should come visit me! You can stay in my dorm! You know you want to...all the cool people are doing it. And your mom is too. Haha, that's right. Okay, I'll stop being weird and get back to studying. Hamam!!!
Comments 3
Have fun in Egypt. Just try not to get hit by cars while your there. ;)
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