I would have liked to have come up as either a Noble or Warrior Princess. Note that they both hold swords. I like swords. Sometime I shall go into a reverie on my mingled feelings about taking power kept from women via violence and the overarching need for pacivism. We call so many different things noble. It gets confusing sometimes...
The Noble Princess
You are just and fair, a perfectionist with a strong sense of proper decorum. You are very attracted to chivalry, ceremony and dignity. For the most part you are rather sensible, but you are also very idealistic.
Role Models: Guinevere, Princess Fiona (of Shrek)
You are most likely to: Get kidnapped by a stray dragon.
The Warrior Princess
You are strong, courageous, and dynamic, a woman of action. You have an iron will and a sharp tongue. Indecisive, weak, or wishy-washy people test your patience. You tend to grow bored quickly and yearn for excitement.
Role Models: Brunhilde/The Valkyries, Xena
You are most likely to: Lead your people to victory against an army of orcs.