Title: Over?
amamae Genre: angst or crack *seriously,you can choose the genre*
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Yabu/Inoo
Disclaimer: umm *shake my head*
Summary: Inoo was in fear
Author’s note 1: First of all, I want to congratulate our Princess Inoo. HAPPY BIRTHDAY HIME *throws confetti* I wish you a lot of good things. Oh and don’t forget, you are a
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Comments 33
in case you don't like crack genre, you can just stop reading where inoobu break up :)
and Yamachan, you're so sensitive boy!! LOL
Oh gosh, i felt goosebump just imagining it lol xDD
hahaha yamachan totally into the story :D
while reading this fic, i felt dejected for myself.. same as inoochan, a month ago i was waiting a birthday message from somebody, but sadly it never came.. i also have experienced like your 'Torn Apart' fic, and yeah so pathetic which even made me numb =/
please write more inoobu fic ne~ =)
since you read them, glad if they could make ur day =)
but ur comment now make me moooore happy yo
Torn Apart ne, I wonder what inside my mind at that time
I'm surprised myself :p
anyway, thanks for dropping by
comments always encourage me ♥
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