(no subject)

Dec 12, 2004 15:57

A fact, spinning alone in InfoSpace. Without help, it may never become...

This is about as nice as Gimilkhâd gets.

Turco + potentially explosive fermentation equipment = BAD THING.

Maglor the Mighty Mess Maker.

Two sailor boys. On a boat. Together. That's all I'm saying.

*is ded from cute*

Who likes short shorts? WE LIKE SHORT SHORTS!

Worst liar. Ever.

Aule in roaring drunk shocker.

Mel Brooks is Jewish!?

60 minute Makeover, Melkor style.

Smutty smuttery.

If I had a great-grandfather, I'd want him to be like Gimilzôr

Death is funny.

Suddenly I'm reminded of my brother's flat...*shudder*

Yes, Turco is the picture of discretion.

Once again, Pharrie and Caranthire cover a wide variety of topics; Alcohol, childcare, toys, marketing, squirrels and er, fisting.

Baboooooooooshka! Babooskha Babooshka Babooshka yeahyeah...Oh no, wait, it's Emeldir.

Gimilkhâd and Lômihîna have the most adorable domestics.

Now those are some SCARY looking chickens.

Aw bless, Rauko's got a little cape. That's darling.

Lindorie meets descendants of varying degrees. Mwuahaha.

Pharrie never gets any peace. Poor guy. No, wait, he deserves it doesn't he?


HA! She suffers.

Lasgal's a sadistic little sod really.

Ah booze, the great cure-all.


Elves. Bloody commitment phobes they are.

Morno vs. the Females in his house. Guess who wins?

A letter is despatched...

...just as Pharrie has a visitor.

Lasgal is a poser, just like his ol' dad.

That icon is teh funneh.

A teenager wondering about what constructive things he can do with his life? That's unusual.

In which we learn that pregnancy sux, but vibrators are the BUSINESS.

Pharrie and Miriel spat as only they can.

Gimilkhâd said bad words! :o

Elentir often confuses his sword with his pet gerbil.

The peasants are working again, THANK GOD.

Profanity, rambling and allusions to masturbation. What a great bed-time story.

They hate eachother, they wub eachother, they hate eachother...make up your minds!

Not the best place to to get over a hangover.

It's an OUTRAGE. But the Aman Report will happily serialise the sexual exploits you really DID get up to.

"Ben" was never like this.

He ain't sane, he's my brother.

Isn't she cute? :S

The proud papa.


Now you get sent to JUVIE you little hellion! Or not.

Tis the season to eat, drink, be merry, promiscuous and all that.

Um. Yeah. :D
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