I CAN'T STOP SNEEZING! And now the news.
Now what's he going to do? Shirley Temple haunts my nightmares. Kicking through the pain. In which Smeagol is on the money with condolence gifts...well, the cigs and the booze, maybe not the fish. Awww, the ickle harpy is back. Stop the presses! Gimilkhâd has registered an emotion! I can't remember much about this post except it made me want to get a Living Dead doll. Crochety old bastards commiserate. I feel for Bob, I really do. I like strikeouts and strikeouts like me. Sadness, like woah. They're so cute, I want to take them home. WOW! Somebody fay-muss! tl;dr. This post was brought to you by the letter W. W for WHORE! Tar-Palantir functions without his foot in his mouth for once. So. Farewell then. Children are insane. Whoo-ooo-oooOOOOOoO NO! Baby please don't gooOoOoOo... Not wasting any time with the contingency remarriage plans here. Lisse learns a life-lesson. Allies = GOOD. The first of many, many revolting incidents involving these twins. An immoderate modly post of moddishnes. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANGST. Good news: The house is immaculate. Bad news: Your youngest inhaled an eyeball. No life King. Bwuaha. Sorry, that's funny if you read Hellsing. Waiting room of deeeeaaaath. Fingolfin's icons distract me way too much. Never before have I seen such wanton mango tree abuse. Well at least he didn't lose his memory. Makes a change... Get used to seeing that expression. That is the best nursery rhyme EVAR. "Sort out Maedhros". Yeah right. No, Haleth's not a whore. Caranthir never paid her...to my knowledge. Isildur. They don't like you. Get it through your head. One of those situations where "oops" is the best response... Or possibly FUUUUUUUUUUUCK! That works too. Isildur torment, such a wholesome activity. Maglor see also "Bloody mess." Bloody mess, see aslo "The Maglor Situation." Cuno takes his life in his hands. Bad news for the talan denizens. He's not a bit like his dad...well the current one anyway. Irmo does that good news/bad news thing. Maglor needs to make a visit to the Body Shop for a new body. Silly childers. Limpe sounds way more fun than Vod'n'Bru. BEWARE THE RAMPAGING HORDES OF WILD GARLIC! In which Maedhros rambles while Maglor is oblivious. Smeagol makes himself useful, he really does! That icon TERRIFIES me. But I like that icon. GO HORSEY, GO! Tantrum in 5...4...3... Yay! There's been a depressing lack of drunken antics in this issue. Item: One very confused dragon. And all is well with the Feanorians...for a while. Sorry love. Perehdil's off. Try something else from the menu. Gimilkhad representing Feanor...I want to see that. >:D The kid's developing some ish-oos. Bastard, see also "Fingolfin." Growth-spurt one. Fingolfin baiting, fun for all the family. OH GOD MUST LIE TO SAVE MARRIAGE XD XD Are we renaming Maedhros "Himring" now or what? Johnny Rotten. I think I fear. Stoned Morno + gossip = Funneh. At least the Numenoreans never knock on the door. They could make a game out of this, like capture the flag only with a decomposing head. Oh god no. Vomitusness. You know what this means don't you? The sleeper awakes. At least he's not screaming. OH DEAR GOD NO. Sauron wants Lisse to get a-head! *canned laughter* Vana/Gimilkhad, a match made in heaven...only not. Daemion and Miro discuss the horrific possibility of Miril breeding. Relax guys, I can't see it happening. Dear Gandy, would you like a position on our staff? He LIKES that tiny elf-friend, he does, he does. Everybody! VISIT MAGLOR! Hallacar, meet your ex-wife. MWUAHAHAHA. Whoops, now he's screeching. Miro goes drinking with a chick with a whip. Hmmmm... The Melancholy Death of Olive Oyl. EAT THE EVIDENCE. Fe-fe? I think your boys have got gay. Numenoreans + alcohol = instant entertainment. Awww violets, eh Caranthire? Heheheh... Ooh big font. This means trouble. Gee, I wish I had a dad like him. He's a pinko!! Screw him for every penny! This is WAY sadder than when Pharazon died. ;_;
He's such a sensitive soul. Beats hitting a comfort froggie I suppose. The schadenfreude is strong this week. No better place to angst than on a beach. I can't see them having a wild, unbridled housewarming somehow.