The movie extremely disappointed me man. Harry was supposed to get the firebolt in the middle of the movie man. Not at the end. The firebolt was a big part of the book because the professors made such a big fuss about it being cursed or whatever.
They scene with Aunt Marge was supposed to be bigger and longer man. That's not right. I wouldn't have minded sitting there for an extra few minutes to see a well thought out sceen man.
The time turner thing at the end of the movie was not well explained there for a few minutes man. The people around me were like "...wah...?..."
The knight bus thing was totally overblown and I did not understand the thing with the shrunken Jamacian head. That was just stupid. Then they had the heads in that bar and it cussed...which I don't mind but it was just a waste of thirty seconds that they could have used explaining something that needed explaining. It was also a waste of computer animation which means a waste of money man. That completely and utterly sucked. The heads served no purpose once so ever.
Another thing that pissed me off about the movie was that they didn't explain any of the stuff about the marauder's map. I think they tried to put too much humor into the movie when really this was supposed to be one of the most serious(no pun intended! lol!) movies so far. They added too much stupid crap and then when they got to the part that needed the most explaining(when they were all in the shrieking shack) they rushed through the scene like it wasn't important. They didn't explain how the Marauders map came to be either which just completely ticked me off, as the Marauders Map was a big part of the movie and book. They did not explain the fact that Sirius was Padfoot, Peter was Wormtail, James was Prongs, or Remus was Moony. I had people around me that were totally confused in that part of the movie because they had not read the book. They didn't understand how Remus knew how to work the map.
AND Oliver Wood was not in this movie. That is a total bummer! It was Oliver's last year man! It might have been better if they would have tied his character off in the second movie but they didn't! It just sucks majorly!
AND Ron never recieved his owl from Sirius. I suppose it's like my friend stated "He's just gonna magically appear in the fourth movie".
Okay. I'm done ranting now. I'm just so disappointed...*sigh*