ehh I don't really have anything to say. well, I do, but I didn't feel like writing a huge complaint blog. instead I have pictures of stuff. yay.
from my plant observations on 4/1/10. my magnolia tree was flowering. this was the day before my camera broke.
found this on the window in my dorm room a couple days before I moved out. I don't know when it got there or even how it got there (there was nothing there that would have made a mark).
I made my dad a cake for his birthday
my dog mickey
found this in the basement. the sound doesn't work. mom said it may be the needle but she'll have to look at it closer
we haven't had any good thunderstorms yet
my dad bought me this. wide angle, fixed aperture (f/11), fixed shutter speed (1/125). getting two rolls of film developed now because I'm not quite sure what speed is right
in my backyard
my grandpa gave me this today. I'm excited to use it but film is really expensive (because it's discontinued, of course)