"ARE YOU AFRAID!?!?!?!" "....no. :D"

Aug 25, 2008 20:17

So I haven't sat down to blog about college so far and now I feel like I'm at a point where I couldn't possibly begin to describe what's happened since Thursday. Instead, I'll just tell you a little story about what happened tonight:

So, a lot of colleges have what's referred to as a freshman seminar - it's basically a course that all freshman have to take and it's usually very writing-intensive. The one at Ursinus is called CIE, which stands for ~Common Intellectual Experience~ (so if I start blathering about CIE, that's what I mean). We were told that tonight there was a mandatory CIE lecture at the big nice theater building that we all had to go to. We get in there at seven, and there's this stuffy-looking dude wearing a jacket setting up a powerpoint that looks incredibly boring.

He starts talking, and we're bracing ourselves to be bored out of our minds. And it was boring, oh my LORD. He's just straight-up reading off of the slides, and we're all silently dying.

All of a sudden, this kid in the first row starts protesting loudly. He actually stands up, and starts telling the guy how awful this presentation is and how useless CIE is. Everybody is just watching this kid like, "WHUT." A couple of people are telling this kid to shut up and sit down. Another kid in the row in front of me stands up and declares he doesn't care what that loser kid in the first row thinks. A few people applaud.

Another girl in the room gets up and says she's here to party, another gets up and says she's here for the boys, and we all start to realize this is all an act.

The speaker finally says, "Okay let me have your attention! Enough of these boring powerpoint lectures!" He immediately shuts down the program, and the whole room bursts into applause. XD;

For the rest of the night, the "lecture" was an impromptu-ish production of Gilgamesh (what we're currently studying in CIE) put on by the actors who were yelling out earlier, interspersed with clips from Family Guy, of all things.

I love my school. XD

So... yeah. Things are going really well, overall. The room is actually pretty nice; my biggest complaint is that it's on the third floor, and it's not air conditioned, so it's reeeeally hot in the daytime. It feels fine at night though, which is what's really important I guess. Also, there's no elevator. So I'm not worried about the freshman 15, because I HAVE TO CLIMB THREE FLIGHTS OF STAIRS TO GET TO MY ROOM. Emily says we'll have amazing hamstrings by the end of the year.

I don't really have any friends yet per se, but I've met plenty of very lovely people that I think will be friends, given time. Jess/Jessie, my other roommate, has a twin sister who lives just down the hall from us, so Jessie's always doing her own thing with her sister Ali and Ali's roommate Emma, which has kind of left me and Emily to do a lot of bonding together. Like...on Saturday, the freshman took a trip into Philly and we were all in a big group of people together, who went to go eat in this little pizza place which quickly got really crowded. So me and Emily were like, "...Oh look, there's a cheesesteak place across the street! *wanders away from the group to get cheesesteaks*" I dunno, it was funny.

And the three of us are finding there are lots of movies we love that the other(s) have never seen. We're gonna make a poster to list all the movies, and then scratch them off as we watch them together. :D

That's good for now. In twenty minutes or so a bunch of us girls are going to go hijack the big plasma TV in the building's common room to watch Jon and Kate Plus 8. XD Then I'll shower and try and get some RP time in.

ALSO VERY IMPORTANT: for some reason, I'm only recieving my notifications from LJ and ff.net in my Verizon webmail (which I don't often check), not in my Thunderbird (which I check 24/7). I thiiiiink I may have fixed it, but if I take a long time to get back to you on something that's probably why and feel free to poke me about it.
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