I'm feeling all mushy now for Jim. I think he kinda touched me in the way that guys do sometimes when they're trying really, really hard to be good at something. I don't know, failure is just... different for them.
I want to get mad at Michael, I really do, but I... can't.
Andy continues to rock my world. I just about died when he was trying to
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Comments 13
I also love that he´s trying, for Pam. Fitting for what he´s always wanted the most.
Ed Helms is rocking my world this season! Andy´s just so stupid and so funny. If you asked me last season i would´ve never thought I´d love him so much in the future.
Michael, is just....Michael.
I though something would happen with Dwight and Angela too. The chance was right there. But I think it´s more in character and besides, they´re not normal, maybe this is they´re way of kinda getting closer again.
I´m also sad the finale´s next week. We just got our Office back and they´re taking it away again! :(
I think Dwight and Angela were a red herring so they can surprise us when they get back together in the finale. :D
I think something will happen in the finale too. I don´t know if they´ll get back together since it´s just one episode. But something´s definitely gonna go down.
I sort of think that what we've seen was their foreplay - the way they left together NOT ignoring each other... I don't know, they might have jumped each other in the elevator or something :P.
shortened seasons make me grumpy :(. SPN also has only one epi left... this hiatus will be LOOONG *sighs*
Yeah, I think it was a red herring for them because they're probably going to jump each other next week. You know those psycho kids miss each other. :D
damn, you make it REALLY REALLY hard to say no :p. I'm not sure I'll be able to, though. SPN season finale happens to be on Thursday as well and I assume I'll be too wrecked/awed by it to properly focus on anything else... but I CAN promise that if papper_docka won't have any other option to watch LOST, I'll help her thus probably watching it myself :P. in the end, well, we'll see?
(I don't have much personal vested interest in pimping this for you. I'm not too taken with the show these days either. BUT your TV calendar should be cleared.... :p
Just trying to keep Claud happy. We want everyone to be able to join in since we'll be watching together. :D)
It seems like all these endings are coming too soon. I can't believe we're already hearing "season finales," when the shows just came back.
But just think... we have Office marathons in our future. ;)
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