Resources for fanfiction writers! Originally posted by
selverlady at
Resources Sites - Enchanting The Muse Crit Group A place for romance writers looking to polish their work.
- Creative Writers Anonymous Hello and welcome to Creative Writers Anonymous, the online group for writers of all ages.
- Creative Writing 101You are encouraged to post stories for beta and critique.
- Erotic Romance Writers Support/critique erotic romance
- Erotica Romance Writers Spam-Free e-list dedicated towards sharing information, tips, ideas, and markets for Erotica and Romance writing
- Betas 4 Hire
- Perfect Imagination This livejournal is if you can't find a specific beta reader on their website
- Reviewers Kingdom Reviews both and stories
- Smudged Ink Helps with writer's block
- Where Fantasy Authors Hone Their Craft Fantasy Writing is an informal group of fantasy writers and editors looking to improve our writing and storytelling abilities.
- Young Writers 101 mainly created as a guild for writers of, of any genre
- The Desert Leaf Naruto lovers
- Beta Reader Agency has few members but looks promising if there was more members
- Erotic readers and their authors This is a group centered around the authors of Erotica in all genres and their readers who adore them.
- Writers Abound a fictionpress profile especially made to post well written story making it easy to find
- Erotique Press Grab a glass of ice water, kick back in your computer chair, and beware the steam rising from your monitor. Accepting submissions.
- Logoleptics Logoleptics is a group intended to provide support and inspiration for writers of both fan fiction and original fiction.
- Anime Fan Fiction Network A place for writers, readers, and beta readers to connect, post, and discuss anime fan fiction from any and all series and genres
- Anime Beta readers Beta readers/Beta seekers unite
- Beta-Readers Harry Potter Beta Readers
- Fiction Writer's Den and Guild Feedback on fanfics and original writings as well as poetry
- Gundam Wing Fanfiction Guild This is a place for all the readers and writers (of any age) of Gundam Wing fanfiction to come and discuss their favorite pairings, authors, stories, sites, and anything else Gundam Wing
- Inuyasha Fanfiction Writers A mailing list for the Inu-Yasha fanfiction community.
- InuYasha Fanfics Beta Service If you ever wrote a Fanfiction, you surely noticed how much important a beta-reader is.
- Perfect Imagination The Beta Reader Directory Perfect Imagination is a unique, search-able directory of beta readers for a growing range of fanfiction and original work.
- Reviewers Found reviews
- Romantica Writers Critique Club We are a critique group for authors of traditional, but very hot and steamy romance.
- Beta Reader Resource Has an age limit nothing higher than PG 13
- Boundless Betas We're talking about Beta Readers here; those wonderful folks who will critique your fanfic (and original fic too).
- Writers You need a beta reader Any kind of fanfic, any ratings, any fandoms, even original works, poems, etc.
- Gundam Wing Beta This is a list dedicated to posting and reviewing fanfiction.