Blogcrew Advertisement

Jul 29, 2005 18:06

I decided to advertise the blogcrews that I created in my journal. This post will be open to the public and will be updated regularly as i create more blogcrews. Zoom beyond the cut to view & join!

To those who may not be familiar with blogcrews, here's the definition of it [snatched from kyoy]

A blog crew is a place where fans can get together by representing their favorite character or any character of their choice. It is not an RPG, no role-playing. All you have to do is claim & link. Some see this as a fanlisting with titles. While some, as a way to meet fellow fans. I just see this as pointless fun. Whatever your reasons are, if you want to join, join!

.:♥ I went on a date with [INSERT CHARACTER] to [INSERT PLACE] and it was [INSERT FEELING] :.♥
click on date to join~

■ I had a bad day and 《INSERT CHARACTER》 cheered me up by 《INSERT ACTION》 ღ ■
click on bad day to join~

§ ±CHARACTER HERE± and I cooked ↓ FOOD HERE↓ for dinner ☆ §
click on FOOD HERE to join~

click on dreamt to join~

☆☆☆ I hug a PLUSHIE of [♥ CHARACTER HERE ♥] when I sleep ☆☆☆
click on plushie to join~

*•* A pickpocket s t o l e my wallet, and 「CLAIM HERE」 got it back for me *•*
click on stole to join~

»☀ CARD HERE @ The Clow Cards blogcrew ☽«
click on The Clow Cards blogcrew to join~

∞† ‹GF HERE› @ Final Fantasy Summons blogcrew ‡∞
click on Final Fantasy Summons blogcrew to join~

℘ I danced the Flamenco with ⊥ CLAIM HERE ⊥ ℘
click on the image to join~

⊗ I would cross the s e v e n seas just to be with 〈 CLAIM HERE〉 ⊗
click on seas to join~

¨ There are two traits in ¦« CLAIM HERE's »¦ character which are pleasing;
namely, he/she admires me,
& drinks no cream in his/her tea ¨
click on traits to join~

♭ So take me far away, 【CLAIM HERE】
And hold me close to your heart

And do me just this little favour
For I do, yes I do love you ♭
click on favour to join~

☂ Like the rain, I have fallen for 【CLAIM HERE】
And I know just why he likes the rain.
Always calling for him, I'm falling for him now,
Just like the rain.
click on the last rain to join~

Last updated: 2/8/08


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