Title: To anger him
Genre: Gen
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG?
Warnings: To be overly careful: mentions chains and suffering, but nothing graphic.
A/N: So suddenly I had written a 100 word drabble and thought I'd post it. Hope you like it.
The king stands proud. The chains and ropes used on his servant could secure a raging bull. The king knows it is done to anger him. They will not succeed.
The cloaked druid speaks.
"We wanted to lay your burdens on him. We were naive, he already carries them. Instead... I lay his burdens upon you."
At first it feels the same.
The chains glow and tighten around the servant.
Then slowly the king crumbles to his knees, and the chains give in to a superior force.
The king knows this was done to anger him. They did not succeed.