1. Go
2. Pass it on.
I know it asks for the people you've directly met, but hey, I'm lacking in that arena. As it was, most of the questions were about Max anyway.
1.~How did you meet
destatisspiral? Hardcore Metallica FanFiction list (man, that brings back memories...)
2.~What would you do if you had never met
destatisspiral? I'd certainly be a helluva lot more lonely...
3.~What do you honestly think of
destatisspiral? She's my twin.
4.~Would or did
destatisspiral and
mistresshammett go out? I certainly hope not. o.O; I didn't know Di swang that way...
5.~Have you ever liked
_girllikethat_? Not as a crush. Sorry, Mehndi. You're cute and everything, but not my type. Grow a penis first and we'll talk.
supertambo died tomorrow, what is one thing that you would need him/her to know? That despite us not talking so much she's one of the best friends I've ever had.
mistressnashya and
destatisspiral make a good couple? Nuu. It's long distance, homosexual (which doesn't matter to me, but I'm sure it would to both of their families), biracial (again, would only matter to people they know) and uhh...yeah.
zippinmainiac in 3 words: Silly, cold (temp wise. she lives in Maine. Come on.), and trout-loving.
9.~Do you think
destatisspiral is hot? I think she's beautiful. But I don't have the attraction to label her "hot."
supertambo and
destatisspiral make a lovely couple? Hell no.
11.~What do you think of when you see
mistresshammett? A comfortable pillow.
12.~Tell me something humiliating about
destatisspiral: Oh yes, that's the way to keep friends. 9_9
13.~Do you know any of
morrigansraven's family members? Nuu. And the way she talks about them, I'm not sure I want to. XD;
destatisspiral's favorite color? Green
15.~On a scale of 1-10 how cute is
destatisspiral? See #9.
16.~What would you do if
illianaka just professed their undying love for you? Do? I don't think there would be anything for me TO do.
17.~What language does
destatisspiral speak? English
18.~Who is
destatisspiral going out with? No one as far as I know. >.>
destatisspiral a boy or a girl? She has a pudenda, she does.
destatisspiral and
illianaka make a good couple? I doubt it.
21.~Who do you think
destatisspiral would be great with from this list? Rebecca, if she was a lesbian/bisexual. They've been friends forever.
22.~When was the last time you talked to
destatisspiral? Earlier today, though it was indirect. Directly, it was last night.
23.~What is
_girllikethat_'s favorite band? The last fave band I know of was Matchbox 20, though I'm sure that's changed...
mistressnashya have any siblings? Oh yes. A brother and a sister... I don't think she has any others.
25.~Would you ever date
morrigansraven? Probably not. I can dabble in lesbianism, but I don't think I can be in a lesbian relationship.
26.~Would you ever date
zippinmainiac? See above.
destatisspiral single? As far as I know.
28.~What is
destatisspiral's last name? Hanly
29.~What is
destatisspiral's middle name? Marie
30~What is
destatisspiral's fantasy? To be on Broadway.
31.~Where does
destatisspiral live? Jax, FL
32.~Would you make out with
destatisspiral? Not romantically.
destatisspiral and
morrigansraven best friends? Nope. I don't think they even know each other.
zippinmainiac like
destatisspiral? Not as a crush.
35.~How did you meet
destatisspiral? See #1.
destatisspiral older than you? Nope.
destatisspiral the sexiest person alive? Sorry, Max, but you're no Gackt. XD;