Hello, i was directed here from a topic i started on TAFL forums, but before i get to posting my questions i want to introduce myself. I'm Rika24 (sometimes Rikafire or Kaida Spirit if Rika24 is taken). I've always found shrines/fansites interesting and in the past i've tried to make ones that were interesting and showed my love for the character
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Comments 10
Since our website is focused on shrines, we discourage design questions as a whole. But I can see you're looking forward to expand your shrines; that's pretty neat! :) I just checked out your Fuuko and Raiha shrine and what I would suggest, if you want to expand your site, is to interpret the relationship. That basically means coming to a big picture of how you see the dynamics of their relationship and why they work, and use evidence from the media to support your statements... kind of like writing an analytical essay (though your website need not to be full of lengthy articles as one may think you must have). If you were to ask me, there is no certain guideline as to what makes a good shrine; just put whatever you feel like. Trust your instincts. Good luck!
Now let's see if I can help you xD
1. What type of content do you like to see on a shrine?
Information about the character is really what i like to see overall. I don't really care for multimedia anymore (probably because I can find it or make it |D) but it's mostly the information.
2. Which do you think is the better menu style?
For a really huge shrine (and I should take this in consideration with my big shrines when I make a new design XD) is that you want everything out in the open when you have a lot of pages. It'll save a lot of clicking for the visitor.
Oh and if you don't mind advice, in the future, try to put more of a division between the sidebar and the content area so that it won't look squished.
You have the sections for the relationship shrine down flat, no need to add some more :D
When it comes to content I personally like to see a mixture of both informations and personal opinion on the subject: I like to find new stuff about it that I may have never known before and I also like to see what the owner think about it.
For the manu style I usually vary depending on how much free space I've in the layout. Usually I would favour the sidebar because it quickens navigation (also it can be used to fill empty spaces in the layout XD), but if I see that it's going to be pretty long (as in I-need-to-scroll-down-a-lot long) I would consider the condensed menu and set the links to the various pages in one or more tables.
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