In which Caesar grills Kidd for information, then makes an offer he simply can't refuse.
Kidd: *actually outside, away from his cell; he's sitting at the cafe idly drinking a cup of water while staring at a blank pad of paper*
Caesar: *walking around, spots him and heads towards Kidd's direction* Huh, you're here too?
Kidd: *jumps! He didn't think anyone else was around, and certainly didn't expect to be shaken out of his reverie* What? Oh... Caesar. Yeah, I heard you arrived here recently. I've been around, of course--I'm a detective after all. I need to be where the people are.
Caesar: Didn't you head off to do something or other with the Black Rose Society or something? *Yawns* How long have you been here?
Kidd: That was a long time back. Although... I do miss it. There's something alluring about the gourmet food and paved roads of the Black Rose Society...
Caesar: Six years, going on seven... *pauses* how long have you been here Kidd?
Kidd: *takes the butt of his pencil and taps it against his nose in thought* Lessee... I'm coming up on about four and a half years I think. But hold up, what are all the questions are for?
Caesar: I need to know what's been going on around here. I've heard rumors, but I want concrete information. *looks at him* And you're all I got.
Kidd: *his ego is definitely piqued, but other things weighing down on him suppress his usual spark* You know I charge for information, right?
Caesar: How about we say it's for the good of the castle, and it's free. *yawns*
Kidd: ... *not in the mood to argue* First case is always free; that is my policy, after all. What are you looking for, particularly?
Caesar: What's been going on here? I've heard rumors of giant golden wolves, second suns lower than the moon, I've heard Yuber's been here, I know my brother's here.
Caesar: And... yeah, that should be it.
Kidd: *leans back in the chair a bit, wondering where to start* If you're not aware of it already, there are people here who "shouldn't" be, people who were dead, or should be long, long dead. Am I on the money there? By now it should be no mystery to you.
Caesar: Yes, I know that. I've met Mathiu Silverberg, I've met Queen Arshtat, both of whom history say are dead. *sits down on the table* And I already know no one knows how or why other than the occasinal "Viki" reason. But that's not what I want to know. I want to know what has happened since these people have started showing up. What are they doing, and how far have they been travelling.
Kidd: Traveling varies. Some people just stay in Budehuc, others make trups to Iksay, and even some go as far as Vinay del Zexay for touristy trips. And as for what "happens"... well, everything you can imagine. *rubs his temples* Crazy stuff I've never seen, even during the war.
Caesar: That's the stuff I want to know about. Tell me about it and I'll buy you a coffee.
Kidd: I have no use for coffee, if you're trying to bribe me. Besides, it's refreshing to hear someone who actually wants to hear about what's been going on instead of just staring at me in pity. *frowns*
Caesar: *raises an eyebrow* What happened?
Kidd: *scoffs and turns in his chair a bit* Not sure how far back to start, but... you're scholarly, so I'm sure you've heard of Luca Blight. And I'm also willing to bet you know he's here and alive somehow too.
Caesar: Yes. I've been fortunate enough not to run into him.
Kidd: Well I guess he's got this fussy rune that makes him want to kill things. *makes a little hand gesture, as if illustrating the rune in the air* About a year or so ago it started going buggy. Beforehand he somehow managed to get himself on the guards, earned their trust, but when his rune started acting up he went bonkers and kidnapped Thomas, framed Roy, and his rune ended up bringing out these shiny golden wolves after everyone.
Caesar: *nods* Go on.
Kidd: *not used to being uninterrupted while speaking* His rune took away his sanity, and the castle eventually banned together to bring him down and rescue Thomas. From what I know, it was a huge battle with a lot of people, and there were some serious injuries. I think they sealed his rune away, and once it was removed, he relapsed back into simply being ornery after he recovered from the battle. Things went back to normal after that.
Caesar: ... You mean, after everything he did, they just let him walk around free? Rune or no rune?! *slaps his forehead* What are you people thinking?
Kidd: Prior to the incident when his rune was dormant, he was just cranky and all talk--and once his rune was sealed away, he returned to it, so the castle master didn't deem him a threat. Plus you know Thomas--he's got a big heart and is way more forgiving than all of Zexen combined. *sighs* And maybe that's what attracted their attention to Budehuc.
Caesar: Ok, heard about that. Didn't any of the Zexens notice that Mathiu Blinking Silverberg was alive from the dead?
Kidd: *shrug* Not so sure about that, but they were certainly interested in the popularity of the castle and how free trade here was booming. But in a way we were fortunate they didn't catch wind of just how many true rune bearers were here... They seemed to lose interest and back off.
Caesar: And I don't suppose you know why? And how could they not know something was up here? The True Rune bearers probably have enough sense not to parade around the fact they have runes, but I know the others have not been quiet about how far from the past they're from, and will happily tell you when and where.
Caesar: *is visably agitated about this stupidity on Zexen's part*
Kidd: *shrug* If I were from Vinay and caught wind of something happening here, especially the boom in the trade, I'd be all over it. I think more than anything their interests were in trying to regain Budehuc for financial benefit more than anything.
Caesar: Yeah, it's Zexen, greedy SOBs if there were any. *sighs* and what happened after that?
Kidd: Things were pretty quiet after that until... well, I'm sure you've heard some of what has happened recently. *rubs the pencil eraser against the brim of his cap*
Caesar: Anything interesting that happend before Luca did his thing? When was that anyways? Also, do you know when people started showing up from the past? Like how many years ago?
Kidd: The whole "people showing up from the past" has been going on way before I even got back from the Black Rose Society. Some people got here via Viki... others had weirder incidents, like falling in water or stepping through fog.
Caesar: *mentally notes this* Would Cecile or Thomas have a better idea of that strarted happening?
Kidd: Probably, since they've been here way longer than me--I know some residents like Cecile and Juan have basically lived here their whole lives. *shrugs* It's become so commonplace that it's really not that big of a deal to see someone dead or from another time.
Caesar: It is a big deal! *throws his hands in the air and lies back on the table* It's dangerous to talk about stuff like that! Someone's going to take notice at some point!
Kidd: *laughs a bit and takes off his hat* It's kind of late for that now! People here are all about "learning what has happened since they were alive" and meeting people they haven't seen in ages. But there's got to be some reason for it all, you know? My personal theory--no extra charge here for divulging it--is that the initial concentration of true runes kind of act as a magnetic force, drawing all the others together, even if they're from different places and times.
Caesar: That might make some sense...
Kidd: *shrugs again* I'm no strategist, nor do I really know anything about magic
Kidd: In fact, detectives and magic aren't supposed to mix.
Caesar: Same with strategists other than to say, "have an Explosion here"
Kidd: And when it comes to true runes, they're such a strange breed of bird, so to speak, that no one can truly say they know about all their little nuances... so all we can do is speculate about the mysteries they hold.
Caesar: To bad Jeane's not here...or else I would ask her.
Kidd: *shivers at the mention of Jeane* Getting information out of her is like trying to squeeze blood out of a stone.
Caesar: Is there anyone else here who can tell me about runes? Anyone I don't know who may be more open?
Kidd: *leans back again in thought* No one immediately comes to mind. We don't really have anyone here who's the authority on magic, and like I said, even those who do know a lot really can't even begin to understand all the angles of true runes. *sighs* That's one mystery I think even the pros won't ever solve.
Caesar: Damn, *sighs* well, I guess that's all I need to know.
Kidd: *stands up and stretches* That was the most extensive free information session I've ever given out! You should feel lucky.
Caesar: Hey now, *yawns* I told you I would buy you coffee, *teasing smile* but you turned it down.
Kidd: A detective doesn't need to run on coffee! Pure guts and motivation are all we need to wake up in the morning.
Caesar: Right, right. Say. I have something for you for my second inquiery.
Kidd: It's going to cost you this time. *folds arms*
Caesar: Fine, how much?
Kidd: Depends on what you want to know. >_>
Caesar: You've gotten smarter. *grins* I want to know exactly where everyone has gone. Iskay, Vinay, you've already told me, but where else?
Caesar: Think you can do that for me?
Kidd: Tracking everyone? That's a huge request you're making... and some people don't want others to know where they've been... unless I can think of a crafty way to get people to tell me...
Caesar: *pulls out a wad of money, being from a noble family does pay off* Thousand potch, and that's the only deal on the table. You refuse this, I'll go to another detective. I hears there's a few here. *grins*
Kidd: *stares* ...
Kidd: Who said anything about other detectives? You know I'm your man, Caesar! We worked together in the war, yeah?
Caesar: *yay being cheap!* Excellent. Here, six hundread up front and the rest when you have my information.
Kidd: *someone's going to be eating something other than stale croutons tonight!* I have to warn you; it's going to take me a long time to get ahold of all that information.
Caesar: I understand, but this is important Kid. I need you to make this your priority case. *kindly doesn't ask if he has any other cases*
Kidd: ... It'd be really good to get out and dive into something full-force. *furrows his brow* Fine then. You've got yourself a deal.
Caesar: Excellent! *holds out his hand* Thank you.
Kidd: *returns it with a firm handshake* 'Pleasure doing business with you.
Caesar: *yawns and scratches his neck* Yes, now, I need to go take care of some other
Kidd: *if he was feeling up to it, he'd grill Caesar on whatever this mysterious "other business" was, but he returns to staring at the blank pad of paper--this time with a purpose*