In which Kidd is out and about sulking, only to receive a curious request from Rahal.
Kidd: *kicking a rock outside the dojo idly with his hands in his shorts pockets; it's unusual to see him idle when he's usually sniffing after clues*
Rahal: *he steps out, pulling on a light coat and his hair matted slightly with sweat* Oh, Kidd, hello. *smile*
Kidd: *actually takes a few steps back, snapped out of his reverie* What? Oh. Rahal. Were you training?
Rahal: Heh, yes. I need to keep my skills up. I cannot let them go lax just because I am no longer acting Commander.
Kidd: Wait, you were a commander? *had no idea*
Rahal: Yes, I was.... am Commander of the Dragon Knights.
Kidd: *shakes his head--since when was he losing his touch? Get a grip, Kidd!* Right, right. I knew that.
Rahal: *he brushed a hand through his hair and looked in the direction of the stables* Why don't you come see Flail with me? I'm sure she's missed you.
Kidd: Flail? Missed me? *makes a face* Are you sure you're not just desperate for company?
Rahal: Even if I am, why don't you come? *he motioned and headed off for the stables*
Kidd: *grumbles and follows along, dragging his feet* It's kind of suspicious to keep Flail in with all the horses; I mean, she's not a horse--doesn't she need to be around water?
Rahal: Hey there girl. Did you sleep well? *Flail pokes part of her head out of her box stall, snuffling and making a sort of chortling/trilling sound of greeting, shifting eagerly as Rahal slides open the door and steps, petting her* And you have a visitor today too. Kidd came to see you.
Kidd: *mumbles, the words "mystery" and "not like I had a choice" are barely audible*
Rahal: *rolls his eyes and steps back to let Flail come closer, snuffling at Kidd before nudging him gently, then going back to her rider* Hey, Kidd, will you take her out for a short walk for me while I get her breakfast ready?
Kidd: W... Walk? What? Me? *looks at Flail like she's carrying a contagious cold*
Rahal: Hahaha, yes. Just once or twice around the stables should do, or even down to the beach and back if you want.
Kidd: .... Can't she walk herself? She looks big enough.... >_____> I don't see a leash either.
Rahal: *laughs* Just walked with her. It keeps people calm to see her having someone with her when she's out. *he pats her side, the dragon horse huffing as if she found something ridiculous and beneath her*
Kidd: *scowls and makes almost an identical huff* Fine. Let's go, Flail. *trudges out of the stables and off to the racetrack*
Flail: *she whuffs and follows , her feet crunching over the ground as she follows Kidd like an very, very, very large dog*
Kidd: *Definitely creeped out by the whole situation* You know, if you were any bigger, I'd feel like I was getting stalked! >_>
Flail: Groooooah. *she comes closer and nudges him with her muzzle then nibbled at his hair*
Kidd: *squirms and shoves Flail away* What the heck? Don't eat my hair! Doesn't Rahal feed you enough? D: *scampers on ahead to keep a healthy distance between the two of them before looking back and scowling*
Flail: *she catches up easily, nudging him again, harder this time*
Kidd: *stumbles forward but catches himself before falling over* What what? You need to go do your business in a bush or something? *turns around and takes off his hat in frustration*
Flail: *catches the hat and tugs it away, dangling it high above Kidd*
Kidd: asldjfsdlkfj That's mine! *scrambles forward, flailing his arms to snatch it back* If you think you're going to eat that, you've got another thing coming!
Flail: *she waves it, taking a step back, make high growling sounds - she's playing with him in her mind, like a mother playing with her hatchlings*
Kidd: *scrambles forward again, but this time without the flailing--was this a test? Was Flail going to report back to Rahal and detail his ineptitude?* All those threads and fabrics will give you disgusting indigestion, I swear it!
Flail: *she settles down on her haunches, still keeping the hat out Kidd's reach, her tail swishing in the grass idly*
Kidd: *takes two steps forward and stops suddenly* ...
Flail: *cocks her head, watching him*
Flail: *raises her head high and looks over, more distracted by the pointing than his words*
Kidd: *scampers forward and makes a mad dash and a leap, reaching for his hat*
Flail: *snorts and rears to her feet with a high, whining trill, startled*
Kidd: *An opening! He makes a dive and grabs his hat, but ends up making a forward flip and rolling into the bushes*
Flail: *she drops the hat and comes over, peering at the bushes with her tail going back and forth slowly, making short whuffing sounds*
Kidd: *landed in an awkward position, his face planted against the ground with his knees bunched up so his bottom is in the air, but he has his hat!*
Flail: *gives a sort of lizardish groan and plucks him up by the seat of his pants, depositing him on the ground*
Kidd: Oof. D: *dusts himself off, then realizes his treasured hat is in his hands and places it back on his head* Hmph. There. I think that's enough walking for you for today. >_>
Flail: *she gives a trill and ever so gently touches the tip of her muzzle to his nose*
Kidd: *wriggles a bit--was that supposed to be some kind of dragon horse kiss, or was she sniffing to see how tasty he'd be to eat?!*
Flail: *she looks back at the stable and gives something between a roar and groan, turning and heading back the way they came*
Kidd: *rushes ahead so he's in the lead again, his ego will not be dented!*
Flail: *she makes her way back into her stall, attacking the mashed meat and oats laid in her
bucket, Rahal washing off his hands*
Rahal: Was she good for you?
Kidd: *holds up a hand to speak, then pauses* ... Yeah, actually; she was really well behaved. >> *nonchalantly brushes off some dirt from his knee*
Rahal: *chuckles* I'm glad. *he whistled softly, getting a wet grunt in reply and laughed again*