*nods* LJ is still messing around from time to time. It loves to take my Spike - with kind of a comic sun flower, Japan style. *checks* It's till in the FAQ so they didn't solve it. You're lucky, one on my F-List had one of hers replaced with a bad NC17 one.
LiveJournal developers are aware that some users have been reporting problems with incorrect userpics displaying. If you are having any problems with the userpics displaying incorrectly, please clear your browser's cache. If this does not resolve the problem, please open a support request containing links to all the affected userpics. Please be assured that your userpics have not physically been replaced, nor does it mean that anyone has accessed your account.
Ohhhh, so they really have this problem with userpics. Well, I will clear the cache then. If that userpic shows up anyway, I'll replace it by the original one.
Pois é, Sissi, imagina o susto que eu levei quando vi uma userpic nada a ver no lugar do meu icon da Buffy "Working hard". Loucura isso...
Eu imaginava que uma hora o T35 iria aprontar comigo. E eles deletaram todos os meus sites, nem o da Renatinha escapou. Estou analisando ainda se vale a pena me empenhar pra hospedar de novo em algum outro lugar, haja visto que fazia mó tempão que eu não atualizava os sites.
Comments 4
LiveJournal developers are aware that some users have been reporting problems with incorrect userpics displaying. If you are having any problems with the userpics displaying incorrectly, please clear your browser's cache. If this does not resolve the problem, please open a support request containing links to all the affected userpics. Please be assured that your userpics have not physically been replaced, nor does it mean that anyone has accessed your account.
Thanks for letting me know about this issue, hon.
sobre o T35... eu tinha um site la enorme de screencaps... eles deletam mesmo... sem nenhum aviso...
se cuida Bel!
Eu imaginava que uma hora o T35 iria aprontar comigo. E eles deletaram todos os meus sites, nem o da Renatinha escapou. Estou analisando ainda se vale a pena me empenhar pra hospedar de novo em algum outro lugar, haja visto que fazia mó tempão que eu não atualizava os sites.
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