*blinks* Um. . .yes, I accept spin-offs, and yes, you can write one. Apparently I'm a rare author because if you want to write a spin off. . . you don't actually have to ask me first. Just give credit where credit is due and let me read it when (or if, whichever) it's posted. My biggest pet peeve in any writing (fiction or non-fiction), is when people don't give others credit when they should be.
So, hey, if you want to write a spin off, feel free. Just send me a link. I'd like to read it, and if I like it, I'll even endorse it and give a few shout outs about it.
hey i think i saw that i though yours and another fanfic was to close i think its in my faviories in kanichild i reviews some of your stuff so my name should be some where lol though i can;t promise its in my favoire though i think it is
Comments 7
I have bookmarked it this time and shall not loose it.
BTW, in case my overjoyed idiocy hasn't clued you in, yes, that was the fic I was after. ^_^
Thank you again!
I love it when Authors do that! Can I write one?
So, hey, if you want to write a spin off, feel free. Just send me a link. I'd like to read it, and if I like it, I'll even endorse it and give a few shout outs about it.
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