you were the coal, she was the fire, that warmed your skin, and all within

Dec 24, 2009 20:07

Happy Holidays everyone! &heartsIt's that time of year again... came home a few days ago from university and back to civilization! Don't get me wrong, Kingston's not bad. I'm just a city girl at heart ( Read more... )


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Comments 10

moonlitpetal December 25 2009, 02:32:06 UTC
Merry Christmas!! =) I haven;t posted my Christmas list either, but I think it's a bit too late to write up one.

I want snow too. It just gets cold down here that's all. Hope you are enjoying your white Christmas.


amayasuki December 27 2009, 21:04:12 UTC
Didn't get any snow :( Instead we got rain that melted away any snow we had... It's been gloomy for days!!

Hope you got a lot of goodies <3 really miss our random LJ threads...


moonlitpetal December 27 2009, 21:23:26 UTC
Aww, I see. I hope you get more snow soon.

You too. <33 Same here. T-T Hopefully you're going to be on more often so we could spazz again. =D


(The comment has been removed)

amayasuki December 27 2009, 21:04:50 UTC
And you! Hope the holidays are going well for you


michiyohikari December 26 2009, 05:03:00 UTC
Oooohh! I will let you know as soon as I can. :D


amayasuki December 27 2009, 21:05:19 UTC
Check offline messages :)


amyishida December 26 2009, 06:16:28 UTC
I'M UP FOR ANYTHING! I'm good for any of those movies, and food, and DEFINITELY NEW YEAR'S EVEY, and baking. Not so much pool (bad memories and I just suck in general), though I wouldn't mind being a creep and just watching ;) Of course... I don't need to go to all these things... X_X I'm just saying I can do any one of them with you lol I AM NOT A STALKER!

I'm free any day except 30th =P

It was so rainy today... T_T But at least it was a white Christmas at midnight-ish <3

I hope Calc mark was ok =S



amayasuki December 27 2009, 21:07:51 UTC
&hearts but of course! I'll set something up soon.

I hate how it's rainy and gloomy. =_= Grr.

Calc mark was better than I thought! :D


silverzero16 December 27 2009, 19:39:20 UTC
London was pretty bad. Kingston is much worse haha. The city is so much more vibrant, I agree!
Also, how do you do that flashing thing? (I clearly still know nothing about coding).
I hear Up in the Air is also a good flick. You could throw that into your list ;)
No Avatar?!?! BOOOOOOO!!! >=(


amayasuki December 27 2009, 21:09:22 UTC
put < blink> and < /blink> around whatever words, without the space :)
Not a Clooney fan. :(
Eep! Don't hurt me. XD I hope you enjoy it when you do go see it though.


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