Happy Easter!

Apr 16, 2006 12:44

Happy Easter everybody!

May the miracle of Christ's life inspire us! Naks! To the skeptics, well then, may the life of Christ bring more questions about our existence. The more, the merrier!

Chika! I'm just so happy to blog right now because for the next few days, THE family is going to Bicolandia. So no internet access for me. Boohoo! Bwahahaha! Why am I laughing? Maybe because I'm gonna see Labo, where THE Father is assigned, Naga, Legazpi and of course, Mayon Volcano. If we're lucky, we might also see whalesharks or butanding.

Next week, THE family will go to Ilocos. I'm not yet sure if I'm going because we have school activities. Haaa! I hope I could go because I haven't gone for 4 years and I want to see how beautiful (or not) Paoay has become.

By the way, do any of you have suggestions for a freshman information guide? THE school is making one for new students next school year. So far, the draft I made contains only the following: a welcome page, tips and suggestions for freshmen, definitions of THE school lingo, THE school hymns, and a dining directory with less than 10 entries. Unfortunately, classes open on May 22 so we have to finish by May 15! Wheeee! Thanks a lot!

Congratulations to all those who have graduated, graduating or marching this year, namely, Armand, Bojit, Burns, Chrissa, Ella, Erma, Eugene, Ferron, Ivy, James, Jek, JP, Kat, May, Nikki, Paolo, Phin, Richelle, Ricky and Tin! Please let me know if I made a mistake or missed anybody.

Good luck to Jet and all those taking summer classes! I hope the summer heat doesn't fry our brains (or whatever is left of it).

As always, use sunscreen (SPF 15 or higher) and drink lots of water (8 or more glasses).

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