Note- This entry is public, there have been many private/friends entries prior to this and will be many to follow. True, even to my friends, I have not posted for roughly a month but I do still update. If you would like to read these posts, and currently cannot, leave a comment and I will add you (you must create a Livejournal account first).
Very long entry... )
Comments 30
WOW i havent been on this sight in a realllly long time but whatever... WHAT a year its been eh??? i feel like i have to sum up this year..
Firstly, Im glad that I've been able to share my problems with you and have you 2 lean on its meant a whole lot---
ive been through a lot this year as you most definatly know, and im glad that i have you as a type of stability, as a person who hasnt changed for me.
your talks really always help no matter what mood im in. im thankful that you didnt judge me by your first impressions of me cause god knows EvErYoNe has a bad side. You really understand me and my Crazy Mind ;)
ANYWAYYY Someday you will marry into my family... end of story! hahahaah or at least thats what my mom thinks hahaha
To the end of the old (highschool years) and on with the new (college and our friendship) ;)!!
To Many More Good Ones....
ofCouRsEe your friend Laur <3
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