1: What do you like to do in your spare time?
If I have time just to myself, I usually read or watch a film.
2: Name a favorite of each: food, drink, color.
Food: Vegan. I’m not specific about food really.
Drink: Green tea and Orange Juice. I gave up cola for New Year’s.
Color: Green and Brown
3: If you married rich and your spouse gave you $100,000 a week, what would you spend it on?
Probably charities. Maybe I will build a center of some sorts or make films. All sorts of things.
4: Name a favorite of each: book, movie, tv show.
Book: Spring Snow by Yukio Mishima, Crime and Punishment by Dostoevsky.
Movie: I adore The Quiet Duel. There are too many to name >.>
TV Show: Supernatural XDDD
5: If you were given the opportunity to spend 48 hours with absolutely anyone (living or dead), who would you spend it with and what would you do?
I would spend time with Mother Teresa. I think I would just like to learn from her.
6: Name a LEAST favorite of each: food, drink, color.
Food: Meat
Drink: There are shit ton of nasty teas out there that I’ve had.
Color: Currently I’m disliking light shades, like light yellow.
7: What do you spend most of your money on?
Visual Kei, books and theatre tickets.
8: What kind of underwear do you prefer wearing?
These fancy Victoria’s Secret ones.
9: Name a LEAST favorite of each: book, movie, tv show.
Book: I’ve read so many bad ones… The ones that comes right to mind is a book by Ryu Murakami called Coin Locker Babies. I read it because it shares a name with a Miyavi song and I wonder if the two were related. It was nothing but a show of style. Irritating.
Movie: WAYYYY TOO MANY. Probably the worst, a film called Into the Void.
TV Show: Way too many of these to even conjure up a name. I’m not much of a fan of television.
10: If you were sat on a plane beside your favorite celebrity, what would you do?
Tell him that I love his music and ask him to talk to me about lyric writing.
11: What is the strangest thing you have in your room? (You are not allowed to explain why you own it.)
This weird string thing of a yarn woman holding hands with a yarn man. And then there is a red toothpick pierced through each of their chests.
12: What is a weird habit you have, or people have told you have. (Weird, not bad. No nail biting or any of that nonsense.)
I mimic people without thinking.
13: What would you consider to be the biggest insult to yourself?
If someone told me I wasn’t that smart.
14: What are five things you absolutely have to have in your dream house?
Cats, books, a record player, an art room and maybe Ruki XDDDD (jk..or maybe not). Or maybe nothing at all.
15: If you could be reincarnated as any animal, which would you chose and why?
An elephant because they are majestic…Maybe a whale or bird. Something whose experiences are vastly different from mine.
16: Which band (current or past) would you want to go on tour* with? (*Travel with, not preform with.)
The Gazette? They are my favorite.
17: Name a favorite of each: band, album, song.
Band: The Gazette
Album: DUM SPIRO SPERO although DIM has the most spins
Song: ain’t afraid to die
18: Why is your favorite band your favorite?
They have the ability to make me feel all kinds of emotions. I love the way they view the world and the way the world looks when listening to them. There music is at once profound and then at another moment, fun and youthful. I think there is something to be said about their ability to do many things with music.
19: How many concerts have you attended? Which was your favorite? Least favorite? If none, who do you want to see live the most?
About 10? I don’t feel like counting in my head XDD But my favorite was the last time I saw Dir en Grey. Least was probably the Dylan concert only because I had to sit through Elvis Costello.
20: What is one of your favorite song lyrics? (Who is it by?)
Reality is cruel, isn’t it? (a lyric from ain’t afraid to die by Dir en Grey. It makes me cry every time I hear him saying it, of course in Japanese.)
21: Who do you ship?
Er… Castiel and Dean XDD
22: What band merch do you own? If any, whose is it and when did you get it? If none, whose do you wish you owned?
I own many tshirts and some posters, mostly from shows and ordering online. I don’t own anything from many bands I like. So, it’s too many to name? I would like to have some Buck Tick or Luna Sea stuff.
23: How did you learn of the band that is currently your favorite?
I knew of their name somehow. I think I saw it in suggested videos for Dir en Grey or Gackt a long time ago.
24: What celebrity do you idolize the most?
Ruki. I think I idolize him more because of his faults.
25: Which member from which band would you most want to lather in nutella?
Aoi XDDD What is Nutella anyway???