Here is goooooessss
First Band:
Dir en Grey
First Song/s:
Child Prey by Dir en Grey. My friend Maureen showed me the PV. It might have been Gackt’s miserable but I think Child Prey was before that… I’m not sure…
First PV:
Child Prey
First Purchase:
Uroboros by Dir en Grey. I bought it 2 or 3 years ago.
First Live (watch):
As in full concert or live performance? I watched a Gackt concert. He’s a good performer although he makes some aesthetic mistakes in the ghey department O_o. First live I went to was Diru’s 2 years ago.
First Live (purchase):
X Japan’s last live. I love that concert. hide cries in it which fkn rips me apart inside. X really knows how to pull off an entertaining live. Yoshiki’s drum solo was the best -__-
First PV collection:
Gackt’s. He made this one that he sold to westerners for real cheap.
First Disbandment:
Kagrra,. ;___; The one that really hurt me though was D’espa’s.
First band to follow from their debut:
I never really pay attention to these things usually because I don’t care. If a band just has a couple songs, that isn’t enough for me to call myself a fan. I guess I would say Lc5 since I listen to their first singles often and they really only have two or three.
First covered song:
VK? I don’t think I ever covered a VK song. I tried to learn “In silence” by Luna Sea but I couldn’t find the music… I have to get on that…
First VK Wallpaper:
Prolly some Gackt one.
First Lo- err Obsession:
Kyo. Still is. XDDDD He was actually the first man that made me gawk.
I got rid of the questions that didn’t apply to me like the piano or bandscore one and I changed the bass one to just a general cover question.