Title: :D
Author: SP
Disclaimer: I am not affiliated with the Jonas Brothers in any way. This is purely fiction.
Rating: PG
Summary: There was something about him that caught Joe’s eye. Jovin.
Author's Notes: AU, Kevin is not related to Joe or Nick. Written for
schmoop_bingo, prompt: office/workplace party.
“That’s seriously what you’re wearing?” Nick asked, hovering in the doorway.
Joe scowled at Nick’s reflection in the mirror. “Do you mind?”
Nick smirked. “Hey, you’re the one who left the door open.”
“Yeah, well, you’re the one who--who--”
“Is going to save you from your questionable fashion choices?”
“There’s nothing wrong with my fashion choices!” Joe yelped. “And you’re one to talk, I don’t think you even own anything that’s not a white v-neck or plaid.”
Nick leaned against the doorframe and crossed his arms. “You shouldn’t be so mean to the guy who’s doing you a favor.”
“Well, you shouldn’t be so mean to the guy who taught you how to ride a bike.”
“Taught me how to fall off a bike, more like.”
Joe waved his hand. “Pfft, details.”
“But seriously, Joe, that’s what you’re wearing?” Nick pressed.
Joe looked down at himself. He was wearing black skinny jeans, a dark pink t-shirt, and a light gray blazer. “Yes? What’s wrong with it?”
“Well, nothing, really, it’s just not very--impressive.”
Joe shrugged. “It’s a good thing I don’t have to impress anyone then, isn’t it?”
Nick shook his head. “That attitude is exactly why you’re bringing your little brother to this thing.”
“Don’t you think that if anyone at work was going to be interested, they’d be interested by now?” Joe asked exasperatedly.
“Maybe,” Nick replied, “But it’s not just going to be people you work with there.”
“Right, thanks for reminding me, it’ll also be their significant others.”
Nick stepped fully into the bathroom and hopped up onto the counter, idly kicking his heels against the cupboards. “Nah, someone else you work with his bound to be just as perpetually single as you are, and they’ll bring their brother, or friend, and then you’ll wish you’d put a little more effort into your appearance.”
Joe raised his eyebrows. “Seriously, Nick? Usually you’re complaining about how long I take to get ready. And now you’re encouraging me to take longer?”
Nick shrugged. “I’m just sick of you complaining about not having a boyfriend.”
Joe cracked a smile and punched Nick in the arm. “Jerk.”
Nick punched Joe back before he slid off the counter and left the bathroom. “Are you coming or what?” he called back.
Joe ran his fingers through his hair one more time before he too exited the bathroom and followed Nick out the door, grabbing his phone, wallet and keys off the counter on his way.
When they’d arrived, Nick had immediately scurried off, apparently seeing someone he knew. Joe was a little put out, having expected Nick to hang out with him most of the night; even though they weren’t kids anymore, Nick had never gotten over his slight social awkwardness. But it wasn’t like Joe didn’t have friends from work, and he didn’t really need Nick to stick to his side.
“What’s up?” he greeted his friend David, who had his arm around a girl Joe thought was called Selena--she worked in a different department and usually on different days.
“Hey Jonas,” David replied easily. “Do you know Selena?”
The three of them chatted for a minute, before Joe, idly looking around, saw someone across the room. The man had curly brown hair, and he was just wearing jeans and a long-sleeved cream colored shirt, with a dusty-purple scarf around his neck, but there was something about him that caught Joe’s eye, and he quickly excused himself from the conversation and hurried over to the other man before he lost sight of him.
“Hi,” Joe said, a little breathless from his dash over. “I’m Joe.”
The man regarded him curiously for a moment, before he offered Joe a small smile. “Kevin,” he replied, shaking Joe’s hand.
“So are you, uh, here with someone?” Joe asked.
“Do you know Alex Noyes?” Kevin replied, and Joe nodded. “Well, we live together,” Kevin continued, and Joe tried not to look too disappointed. “And he dragged me along since his girlfriend is busy tonight,” Kevin finished mischievously.
Joe’s stomach dropped, but in a good way. “So you’re not together?” he asked, not even caring that he probably came off as way too eager.
Kevin laughed. He had a great laugh. “Me and Alex? Absolutely not. We’re just friends.”
“Well,” Joe said, figuring he had nothing to lose, “would you like to get coffee sometime?”
Kevin smiled shyly, fidgeting with the ends of his scarf. “I’d like that,” he admitted.
Joe fumbled in his pocket and pulled out his phone. “Here, give me your number,” he said, handing the phone to Kevin. Kevin fiddled with it for a few seconds, and then pulled out his own as it started vibrating.
“And now I have yours, too,” Kevin said brightly, as he gave Joe his phone back and pressed some buttons on his, saving Joe’s phone number.
Joe looked down at his phone and smiled as he saw Kevin :D in his contacts list.