I. Love. Felix Felicis. It's not luck, it's like...liquid intuition, or like a fortune-telling potion, it's incredible! If I had that stuff I'd have it intravenously injected 24/7. And I'd self-confidence myself straight off a cliff in about a week, probably, but what a week that would be!
Slughorn is...interesting in this passage. He really could go either way. Harry's blatant manipulation of him made me very happy.
Poor Montgomery girls, and their brother and mom. Lycanthropy is the in thing now, I bet St. Mungo's is full. I'd dress my kids in silver and wolfsbane before they went out to play. So, are the werewolves just running amok every full moon, or are they chowing down on people while in their human forms? Seriously, is Tonks a werewolf? That would be weird.
Apparation tests. *makes note*
Hagrid is quite cute, and not overused in this book either.
I will miss Aragog.
The song about Odo the hero is pretty awesome too.