I go to Long John Silver's often enough to be on conversational terms with the girl who works the drive-through, so today I asked her, "
What's different about the 'London Style' fish and chips?"
"Absolutely nothing," she said. "It's just $1.99 with one piece of fish, and doesn't come with hush puppies."
So there's that.
Today in Horrible Tales of the Horrible (the news), there's this gem from
Man gouges out only remaining eye, eats it. This was a murderer who ripped his victims' hearts out, by the way. Usually that kind of weird news lends itself to an
obvious if obscure solution, but this is just bananas.
My sharply-honed ability to google Wikipedia tells me that Zulu mythology has a thing called a Tokoloshe, which has gouged-out eyes, but is about two feet tall and raised from the dead. So. He chucked the hearts in the trash, incidentally, but I can't tell whether they were recovered. So barring some modern-type mind control, I don't think we can chalk this up to malevolent critters; just the sick, sad world we live in, and all the ways its people can go so badly wrong.