There's a lot to recap. Behind the cut for your convenience.
I should not have been surprised, but Karin and Dan's wedding was about the smoothest-run operation I've ever seen. Everything was just really on the ball. They had two unique touches: first, there was an expresso machine in the reception hall, and second, the bridal party entered the reception to the strains of the opening tune of Cowboy Bebop. (The long version, if you're curious.)
Catching up with people is always exciting, too. Jon Hall is apparently spending a lot of time with heavy firearms, and considering learning to hunt. Matt sounded largely like Matt-as-usual; he has added a corrollary to his "14 Commandments of Dating" called the "10 Commandments of Friendship", which you can check out on his Xanga journal. Krista is working as a draftswoman for her uncle. AmyP is dating Dan's friend Jeremy, and will be spending two weeks in France studing sea squirts. (I can't make this stuff up!) And Jessie and Adrian...are two months pregnant. :)
I heard back from the radio station; they liked my "audition" tape. I'll need to go through orientation, which is taking place in a few weeks. It sounds like they'll be training several volunteers at once, which will be fun. Here's hoping it's on a weekend, and that I'm free.
*groans* So LOST this week had me wailing. It moved the story along much further than usual. Moreover, it set up things to be really interesting for the rest of the season, particularly in the Charlie, Shannon, and Walt areas. (Why Walt? Because Locke's gone. Our resident miracle worker may find himself called on to fill the void. Besides, he really liked Locke.)
It was also a week for mentioning previously unmentioned relatives. Sawyer had an uncle; did he raise him? Locke had, in addition to the dead sister, another brother who played Mousetrap with him. Biological, or foster?
ETA: And more new LOST tonight! It's almost too much.
I have this habit of making friends with people who go away. Back in junior high I had a clutch of three friends, we did virtually everything together; by tenth grade they were scattered across the country. Then high-school graduation, and I lose everyone else. Four years later I'm leaving college and out of everyone I've grown to love, only Brad and Jon live locally. (By saying that everyone else lives "not locally" I mean "you can't drive there and back in a day.") Jon then moves eleven hours away. A few months later my work buddy Heidi moves eleven hours in the opposite direction. Now my friend from church, Becca, has been struggling with the decision of where to go to grad school. Three options: Illinois, Virginia, and here. And she chooses? Here.
Unprecedented. I know it's only for another year,'s such a relief. It's kind of cool having friends in all quadrants of the United States, but it would be really nice if I had them here.
I've got four projects going on right now, none of which I can name in an unfiltered journal entry. I hope to kill two of them by the end of the month. The third should be done in about five weeks. The fourth can be back-burnered after another month or so...and if all this goes well, I really and truly mean to pick up a fifth serious project on May 1. So many options, I just need to close my eyes and choose....
/vague rambling
I will not, I will not, I will not join the
milliways_bar. *fights self*