I just wanted to pimp this guy's artwork. I just now saw this on the front page of Etsy and OMG, I am SO IN LOVE with his artwork! I'd love to have a couple of his prints hanging in my house! You've got to see this listing.
Comments 4
It reminds me of a convo I had with the 4 and 6 year old girls who attended the faerie festival with us. I decided to explain to them early that boys can be fairies, too. They didn't *quite* believe me and then almost on cue a guy walked by dressed in full children's book-flower hat-bloomers-tights gear walked by.... followed by a quite extravagant Green Man. Lesson learned.
If he were selling the canvas, I could see my husband wanting to buy it, haha. (Not that we have the money though, he just isn't into posters is all.)
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