grow up...drink wine...& have a little sex on the side.

Nov 30, 2005 17:57

Haha, I think its funny how its now like a popularity contest to some of these girls (at least thats all I've seen so far) up at mt holly now. I'm like wow, when did everyone think they were too cool for everyone else because thats the vibe they all give off. Its just dumb...and so high school cliche "clique" bullshit ( Read more... )

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Comments 6

pauliophonic November 30 2005, 23:28:46 UTC
Go to BDubs tonight!


amberstarr82 December 3 2005, 00:49:24 UTC
You know one of these days I will make it up to bdubs! i had myself a heavy bottle of wine night


perfectwhore November 30 2005, 23:36:07 UTC
lol... some people just never leave highschool

Anyway, hi new friend :)


amberstarr82 December 3 2005, 00:49:59 UTC
you have got that one right...people are rediculously still!


symphy November 30 2005, 23:50:56 UTC
lol. :)

Make it a nice Shiraz. It'll make the sex better.


amberstarr82 December 3 2005, 00:51:07 UTC
hahah we had a nice (big) bottle of cheap chardonnay. haha. it works just as well.


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