
Jun 14, 2004 17:34

Yeah, it's been a while. I'm about to be out of work, so if anyone out in the Ferndale/Madison Heights area knows of any jobs, please, PLEASE let me know, ok?

Stupid Kelly Services.

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Comments 4

jewelrybytiff December 9 2004, 12:26:50 UTC
Hi, I noticed that you are a member of the weddingplans community and you have an up and coming wedding. I'd like to point you to my jewelry journal. I'm currently working on getting my website up and running but until then, I will be selling jewelry out of my journal. I specialize in bridal jewelry. Please take a look if you have a chance. Thank you! Tiffany



amberjoh December 10 2004, 15:43:55 UTC
Thank you for introducing yourself; already got a jewelry-maker, but it's always good to have options!
Good luck!


patsila January 19 2005, 13:50:07 UTC
hey! Just wanted to let you know that you are invited to join my new community stuck_with_them if you're interested.


casaex1jm1nd1qp October 12 2016, 03:16:39 UTC


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